OUR MAKER’S MAP DEVOTIONAL [By FBI- First Baba Isa] Sunday, - TopicsExpress


OUR MAKER’S MAP DEVOTIONAL [By FBI- First Baba Isa] Sunday, 20th October, 2013. YOU’RE NOT OLD UNTIL YOU HAVE LOST ALL YOUR MARVELS. “They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing.” Psalm 92:14 I was helping one of my friends’ uncles fill the Universities Matriculation Examination (UME) forms in February 2005. When I got to the column for date of birth, I asked him his age. He replied, “10th May 1958”. I looked up sharply in sweet surprise. The man smiled. “Are you surprised that I still want to go to the University at my age?” “Em… em… actually,” I stammered, “I’m pleasantly surprised. I got it from your looks that you are elderly. But I was putting it at late 60’s, early 70’s. Em… I admire your spirit and I hope to attend your matriculation.” “Thanks,” Uncle Otu said. “I hope to attend yours too; or if I can’t, may be your convocation, wedding, ordination or probably your funeral” he added mirthfully and we all laughed. May be you are down with old-age-myopia: a disease that blinds you to your talents. Nothing interests you in life anymore, because you believe you are a spent force. You have stopped learning, “Oh no, it’s for the new generation.” Your life inspires or motivates nobody; you sit down, look at your yesterday and all you have to say is “I could have,” and “Had I known.” Is this the legacy you intend leaving for posterity? Get up and do something; opportunities abound everywhere for you. You are not too old to utilize them. You are only old when you decide to extinguish your fires and marvels, not when you add numbers to your age. A study of successful men and women, including Winston Churchill, Roosevelt, Lincoln, Ernest Shonekan, Nelson Mandela and Margaret Thatcher shows that they achieved the best and the highest at the age most of us considered to be old. Listen “look at the bright side – no matter how old you are, you are younger than you will ever be again” (ZIG ZIGLAR). LET’S PRAY: I declare over your life that you will not die unfulfilled. Whatever opportunities you lost in your younger days, you will get double in this season of your life in Jesus Name. SUCCESS ACTIVITY: Write down 10 dreams you dumped because of accumulation of age; go back and start fulfilling those dreams. CONFESSION: My strength is new every morning. +234-70-37162029 facebook/mrfirstbabaisa twitter/firstbabaisa firstbabaisa.wordpress [We shall begin the printing of hard copies of this devotional in January 2014. If you feel led to work with us as Editors, Proofreaders, Website Designer/Manager, Computer/Graphics Analysts, Cover Designer, Production Managers, Marketing Managers, Advert Managers, nationwide distributors: i.e. persons who will be contact points across the nation and beyond where the devotional can be gotten; especially those with bookshops and commercial centers. Contact us if you feel God leading you to work with us as volunteers or to partner in investing in the production of this inspiring devotional.] SPREAD THE GOSPEL: SHARE THIS!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 04:04:39 +0000

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