OUR PRESIDENT IS AN ISLAMIC TERRORIST: The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) claims they are opposed to Islamic terrorism yet vehemently condemn any non-Muslim who even hints that Islamic terrorism might be a bad thing. With hypocritical, insincere, and inaccurate defense of Islamic terrorism, they cite America’s history of slavery, massacre of American Indians, and the Vietnam War. A few facts regarding CAIR are in order. CAIR is an off-shoot of the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), a front group for Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group. Ghassan Elashi, a board member of CAIR, was convicted of funneling money to Mousa Abu Marzook, the deputy chief of Hamas’ political bureau in Syria. Marzook founded the Texas based IAP and was deported in 1997. CAIR’s Randall Todd “Ismail” Royer was convicted of organizing a holy war against the United States after the attacks on 9/11. CAIR’s Bassem Khafagi was convicted of fraud and terrorism charges. CAIR’s previous chairman of the board, Omar Ahmad, is on record for declaring that Islam is not in America to be equal but to be America’s highest and dominant authority. Randall Todd, a US Senator from North Carolina and a Chairman of the Board for CAIR, supports the CAIR mission of destroying Western civilization from within. A US Senator! Nihad Awad is the present Executive Director and is a supporter of HAMAS. In 1529, the Muslim army of Sultan Suleiman II, after penetrating Central Europe, was repulsed at the Battle of the Moles during the First Siege of Vienna. For the next 150 years western civilization moved forward while the Islamic hordes licked their wounds. In 1683, under Kara Mustafa, Muslims again returned to Europe only to be decimated at the Second Siege of Vienna by a coalition of Poles, Austrians, and Germans. In both wars, the invaders were fanatical Muslims sworn to kill anything not Muslim and their tactic of choice was terrorism. Today, the descendents of those invaders are Muslim sworn to kill anything not Muslim and their tactic of choice is still terrorism. All cultures and religions had their bad times. Western cultures brought much death and destruction to the world, most of it under the guise of Christianity. Eastern countries murdered, tortured, and enslaved millions at the behest of maniacal emperors and dictators. Today, most cultures and religions are at least attempting to reconcile their differences. However, the followers of Islam are persistent in demonstrating that they don’t want to be part of that process. Their problem is a fanatical devotion to a religion dominated by despotic leaders who desire power for the sake of power and sanction raping their own women. While Christians, Jews, and most Eastern religions generally accept other religions, Muslims remain stuck in a seventh century religion that preaches peace yet tolerates, condones, and even denies the terrorist antics of their brethren. When are these people of peace going to voice their affront to their brothers and sisters who are not so peaceful? I’ll answer that; never, because they agree with their terrorist brothers and sisters. Islam is not a religion; it is an ideological and political criminal movement that must be destroyed. Even if Islam is successful in gaining some success in their worldwide Jihad they will eventually be wiped out. Advancements in science and technology have provided Western nations with a greater ability to wage war. No dirty bomb set off in New York will ever match the devastation that will surely come from an angry, vengeful, and more competent people. Barak Hussein Obama is a supporter of Islamic terrorism. The facts support that truth. “He who dares not offend cannot be honest.” – Thomas Paine. While Christians, Jews, and most Eastern religions generally accept other religions, the people of Islam remain stuck in a seventh century religion that preaches peace yet tolerates, condones, actively supports, and even denies the terrorist antics of their brethren. When are these Islamic people who claim to be people of peace going to voice their affront to their brothers and sisters who are not so peaceful? I’ll answer that; NEVER, because they agree with their terrorist brothers and sisters. Either that or they are simply cowards. Cowards, in the end, die cowardly deaths, and usually at the hands of their own masters. Our enemy is a fanatical, backward, and jealous Islamic people who hate Western cultures simply because those cultures are superior to theirs. Western cultures, and specifically America’s Constitutional Republic, has accomplished more since the birth of Jesus Christ than Islam has accomplished or ever will accomplish since that used-camel-salesman they call Muhammad plagiarized the Bible and called it the Koran. Let’s look at some comparisons. Islam: One religion or die. America: See our first amendment. Islam: Speak against Islam and die. America: See our first amendment. Islam: Write against Islam and die. America: See our first amendment. Islam: Can’t defend their selves. America: See our second amendment. Islam: Summary executions. America: See our fifth amendment. Islam: Enslaves their people. America: See our thirteenth amendment. Islam: Women can’t vote. America: See our fifteenth Amendment. Islam: Blames Allah when things break. America: Can fix damn near anything. Islam: Blows up children. America: Educates boys and girls. Islam: Won’t touch pork. America: Brings home the bacon.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 16:43:10 +0000

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