OUR PURPOSE. There are things I will like us to know and to - TopicsExpress


OUR PURPOSE. There are things I will like us to know and to understand about the life that we have been called to live here on earth,I ask a brother a question sometimes ago,what is your purpose here on earth? He looked into my eyes and said,his purpose is to come and live a beautiful life,give birth and mary. Well thats good,but theres more to that which he has said. As a christian we are called not only just to have the material possessions, Jesus said to His disciples,go ye into the world and preach the GOOD NEWS. And we are the last born of His days here on earth, thats why He said in the book of Joel 2:28 says, And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: 29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. That means we are the revelation of a new testament,not the old,its touching when you hear some Christian preaching condemnation,we are not called to preach condemnation,thats not what GOOD NEWS is, you dont preach condemnation to somebody thats already walking in sin,cos he knows that is a sinner. He did not ask us to come and preach condemnation,but righteousness,His liquid love,His message,thats our conviction of Him,God is so passionate about having us fulfill our destiny in Him. According to His personality,His message,and the mandate. This is our conviction of Him, 1 timothy 5:7 says, For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. 7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity. We must really have the kind of understanding of who Jesus really is,His purpose and His newness life,we must understand what He came to do for us,and what He ask us to do, Hes the mediator between God and men; the only one who reconciles men to God. Theres no other salvation in any other. so this should compelled us to preach His Gospel. Jesus was God in human flesh,half God half human,He was the consummate man everything that God ever wanted a man to be, He called God,Father. And No one has ever did that. He stunned His disciples when He hushed the boisterous winds and raging waves to sleep. When the solder came to arrest Him,He asked them,whom do you seek? And they all replied,Jesus of Nazareth. He said, I am He, and they all fell backwards. What a man. They took Him before pilate,though they found no fault in Him,He was led away to be crucified. As He hanged on the cross,He looked at His captors and false accusers with the eyes of LOVE, glory to God, and said Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. Soon He cried, and said it is finished! and died through He vicarious death, salvation was offer to the world! hayaayaaa brauataks lingonshbracos,haya. Haaa thats JESUS. I wondered how some christians read the Word of God and where they get their own interpretation from; the message He brought to us is that He gave His life for all mankind. This is the present hour message that God gave to the world and it base on what Jesus came to do. His liquid love,His forgiveness and His righteousness,not condemnation. That love flows. Cos the bible talks about the divine love that Father hath lavished upon us in 1 John 3:1) all of that came in Jesus Christ. He expressed and directed His love to us while we were yet sinner,not when we became good. The message is about Jesus Christ is about His life; He came from God and provide it with power by the resurrection from the dead, Roman 1:4. People saw Him die,but yet He rose again from the dead,ascended,and went back to God. And the message is also about forgiveness,about His heartfelt, compassionate towards us, no religion in the world has forgiveness is only Jesus,instead people are to pay for their sins,and no can ever pay adequately. Forgiveness is only in Jesus. Thats why the book of Act 13:38:39) says, through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: and by Him all that believe are justified from all things,from which ye could not be justified by the LAW of moses. He also tells us about is righteousness: the nature and the rightness of God,His power to be right and always right. His holiness,His truthfulness,and His light; everything about His heart. He came in Jesus and He gave us that heart. Now, we have the heart of Christ. We think like Him,and we can see from His point of view,His perception. The mandate is the authorized command weve been given as a christian to preach His Word,His message to the uttermost part of the earth,thats why Jesus said if ye love me,keep my commandments (John 14:15). The most important thing in your life now is to love Jesus,and to become passionate about Him. Thats what drives you to tell His message. for the love of Christ. Constraineth us; bcos we thus judge,that if one died for all,then were all dead: and that He died for all,that they which live unto themselves,but unto Christ which died for them,and rose again 2 corinthian 5:14:15). He has commanded us to tell the whole world of His liquid love;that He died in their place,and God raised Him from the dead. They dont have to walk in sin anymore, so the message of Jesus Christ isnt about preaching condemnation,we ought to understand what He has come to delivered to us in the body of Christ glory to God.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 09:53:33 +0000

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