OUR SOLDIERS SHOULD RETURN FIRE WITH FIRE BUT NOT WITH PRAYERS. Today, Israeli Air Force hit some military targets in Syria just because a shell fired from Syria hit a truck killing a 14 year old boy named Mohamed Karaka in a town called Tel Hazeka! Listen to what Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, Israeli military spokesman said after the attack Yesterdays attack was an unprovoked act of aggression against Israel, and a direct continuation to recent attacks that occurred in the area, the military will not tolerate any attempt to breach Israels sovereignty and will act in order to safeguard the civilians of the state of Israel. Of all our neighbors, it is only Tanzania that we are at peace with, All other neighbors starting with the notorious Museveni have either have bandits crossing from their countries to attack us or claimed a chunk of Kenyas territory, in either case, however, President Uhuru finds it better to call for national prayers or send some few old and tired village elders to negotiate with the aggressors. Compared to all East Africa countries, Kenyas Defense Force is the best and most robust. The Army recently acquired over 100 Armored Personnel Carriers (APC) The Air Force boast of attack helicopters like MI-17 acquired from Ukraine and a dozen F-5 jet fighters acquired from Jordan. The Navy has both patrol and survey ships such as KNS (Kenya Navy Ship), Nyayo: KNS, Umoja: KNS, Shujaa: KNS. Galana: KNS. Harambee: (a patrol vessel recently given to us by France) The KNS. Jasiri which cost us 4.1 billion shillings and is the biggest of all our naval ships and can carry tanks, APC and soldiers to Mogadishu. The Navy also acquired a Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boat (RHIB) which is capable of night amphibious landing at Mogadishu or Kismayo coasts in Somali. According to Global Fire Power (GFP) Kenya is ranked the 6th strongest in Africa in terms of military capacity and capability. The strongest countries in Africa are (1) Egypt. (2) Algeria. (3) Ethiopia. (4) South Africa. (5) Nigeria. while Uganda is position 13, South Sudan 14, Somali, 19 and Tanzania number 22. With all this military prowess, I do not know why Uhuru prefer to choose the lines of prayers instead of bombing into smithereens these nations that keeps on poking their dirty noses on our affairs? I remind Uhuru that George Lancaster Spalding a 20th Century satirist once said that Their is nothing you can do without prayers, but you can do little with it And Today after attacking Syria because of killing a Israeli teenager, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyau said Their is a faint line between civilization and savagery when referring to Israels enemies. WHEN WILL KDF ABANDON THE BIBLE AND CHURCHES AND START BREATHING FIRE?
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 11:05:01 +0000

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