OUR STAND; ON THE UNITY OF NIGERIA IS NOT NEGOTIABLE: For those who lay claims of being Elder statesmen and women in Nigeria barking like dogs and decreeing forcefully that Nigerian unity is not negotiable and should not be tampered with, should pray that the lives of their own children, wives, families and friends, must be used by rampaging killers including both political and economic profiteers and puppeteers hiding under the garb of politics, traditional leadership and religious institutions should be used to water that failed unity quest. These above actors in Nigeria, must be educated to know that if they want to be consciously, ignorance that there is nothing like unity. What are the natural connections among all the Ethnic nations emerged into Nigeria by the British? We ask from the mindless fake Nigerian patriots called politicians, businessmen and women and traditional rulers. Is not a shame and wickedness on their parts that, with all the evil killings, political wrangling’s, religious hatred and massive economic corruption, exploitation and conscious abuse of concept of citizenship, these sets of so called former and current leadership still want the victims of the unjust fake Nigeria unity question to still affirm their one Nigeria hopelessness. Why were they insisting and imposing a unity on those who were yet to be killed by the mistake of 1914 till date.is it when everybody is consumed by this large confusion, including them, before they would agree to the reality that, one Nigeria is dead and every region should go on their own? It must be made clearly that, it is the unity question that all the delegates of the national conference must fundamentally radically address, if the millions of lives trapped within Nigeria must be rescued. How many of their children, wives and family relations are victims of this criminal unity from 1914 till tomorrow, because, it is not practically assured that thousands would not be killed mindlessly as it is currently going on, in dead one Nigeria? And for those whose primary occupation is to insist on the continuous conduct of four years periodic elections that has never stop all these ungodly killings and the practically resolution of the nation question, volunteered their private lives in their thousands to sustain and maintain the unity of Nigeria. Let them tell the people why they so desire the preservation of Nigeria unity, when the majority of the people they claim they want to preserve the country for, are no longer interested. Let all those reading this message, from the ordinary person on the Nigerian street to the presidency knows and accept the above reality, that the only authority within Nigeria that can insist on the unity of Nigeria as presently constituted are the various ethnic nationalities trapped within Nigeria in a well supervised conducted transparent national referendum, along regional dichotomy and lines, and not those in government, their corrupt political followers and those in opposition. The delegates to the forth coming National conference must never sacrifice the future of their respective people and region on alter of a Nigerian unity which future organic coercion, stability, peace and development can never be predicted and guaranteed since the past hundred years had never enthroned such perquisites for national unity, since the British invaders committed the unholy marriage to a master-servants relationship. The delegates must note and acts seriously proactively that once the conference becomes deadlock, they must question the continuous existence of Nigeria as a single sovereign entity without fear or favour and organize against any consideration for petty national interest, where none exist, and no under any disguise or circumstances, must any unscrupulous federal might be invoked by the Nigerian government cum pseudo federal government, to insist on the unity of Nigeria or force the continuation of a sovereign indissolubility of a Nigerian state, which moral stand to continue has been repudiated from the un-reconcilable disagreement from the floor of the national conference, upon any part of Nigeria, that want to go on their own. This episode is what those who oppose the convocation of any type of conference in Nigeria are running away from, under various pretentious disguise. Any section that desires to have their own country could at the floor of the conference organize a world media conference where they would inform the international community on the major areas of disagreements and why it is not acceptable to their part or parts of Nigeria and may at the end of that world press conference invoke the rights to self-determination and call for a referendum to be conducted by the united nations to determine their continuous political relationship with those who oppose their demands within the Nigerian sovereign confusion. The souls of young children, women and defenseless men slaughtered in their millions since the amalgamation till date, are crying for justice and should serve as a moral conscience guide to what would form the direction of resolving the national question at the national conference. If the national conference refuse and falls to resolve the fundamental problems of Nigeria via consensus agreements for a new Memorandum of Understanding for another hundred years, The Igbos, Yorubas, Niger-deltans and the Middle-Beltans, must take the above analyses seriously and if the core north choose to be part of a re-negotiated Nigeria under a civilized indigenous secular system and a genuine federated system based on universal application and principles, the unity of Nigeria ,may still be considered. Anything aside from this consideration, the British created Nigeria dies, and President Goodluck Jonathan must accept this reality as the demand of the people is greater than his individual future political interests in already dead one Nigeria and that of outsiders far away from the shores of the failed country. For the gullible and coward youths, it is time to re-define our future collective destinies. We must stop being facebook and twitter tigers, irrespective where we find ourselves in any parts of the world, and mobilizes our generation in our millions to practically be on the street and say to our one Nigerian pretender, that this one Nigeria unity is a fraud and enough. In conclusion, to some of the delegates representing our people at the conference, whose trade mark is stomach one Nigerian politics or hiding under the pretense of professional mumuism, who would rather go to the national conference, because they represent political parties or professionals and civil societies bodies, to go and insist on the unity of the country, when its becomes obvious from the presentation of their co-delegates from other parts that they still want to maintain the status quo, and there is no longer any basis for the continuation of that unity mantra base on such position hold un-compromise- able by the other interests within the conference, which has further officially and openly exposed the fallacies of the one Nigerian unity question.. These delegates must join the positions of their region at the conference, or act contrary, to their peril and that of their families, irrespective of their positions and status in society. For people like Baba Edwin Clark, who must be pitied, for the statements attributed to him as an Elder statesmen, when he said “President Goodluck Jonathan would never presided over the breakup of Nigeria” This type of the above statements is regular on the lips of those who had stolen Nigeria dry in their various positions while in government and currently still serving in public service. Baba Clark must learn quickly and newly, like other unscrupulous Elder statesmen and women like him that, breakup experienced in other failed nation-states, were not presided over by ghost. The will of the people to be free is greater than the mere proclamations of mere mortars to preserve a thieving dead unity. Let the delegates from the entire south and the middle-belt be warned that lives and future of a generation is at stake at Nigeria national conference. There must be no room for fake representation, criminal cordiality for friendship and self-promoted political permutations, when millions of lives and their unsure future are involved. On freedom ground we stand. I wish you all God speed. From the desk of: Comrade Makanjuola Adigun Muhammed. President: Oodua Youth Congress Ojo, Lagos. +2347067863514
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 12:05:56 +0000

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