OUR STORY’S HAPPY NEVER-ENDING… A SEQUEL TO THE PREVIOUS BLOG: LET ME LOVE!... Man/Woman are made in GOD’s image and likeness… GOD loves each and everyone of His/Her creatures… Being a lover without limits is GOD’s way… Seeing GOD and loving IT in every creature is natural… thus, through this GOD’s inspired Love being all One, realizing our Oneness… Yet, society imposes limits to love… unnatural… Yes, societies have imposed legal and moral rules of separation… contrary to the original Oneness… It bred the sense of self and ego… mine vs. yours, mine better than yours… protecting mine, thus, doing away with yours, which threatens mine… hatred, wars, violence, killings… There is infinite room in our Godly heart to love one, or more people at the same time… and over lifetimes… True, everyone is special in his/her own right, as everyone is special to our Creator… There is no need for souls competing with each other over another soul, nor clash of souls, warring souls over so many reincarnations… And this clash of souls is much more prevalent in the world than people can even imagine… That is because the clash of souls takes place subconsciously… people are not even aware of it… Once we become aware of it and the specific souls involved, by making this subconscious information conscious, a tangible and freeing reasonable solution becomes realizable… Acceptance of people being true to themselves by having God-like many loves, brings to LOVE and PEACE between people and in the world… Generally, we are used that every story has a happy ending… The week of July 7, 2010 reading of the Jewish Torah is “RE’EH,” which translated in English means: “SEE!” In other words, we have to use not only our sight, but our God-given five senses and the God-inspired sixth sense, in order to make the right choices…and this is not limited to the Jewish Torah, but it is part of all major world wisdom philosophies… In that reading one finds the story about the Blessing and the Curse that God presented to the people through his messenger-Moses…The universal ancient and modern wisdom defines the same… Namely, there is good and evil within and without us… Each and everyone of us is made in God’s image and likeness, and God gave us free choice between good and evil… My dear friends, I recommend for our consideration to pick the Blessing, the Good… But All Universe is God’s creation and it includes the Paradise and the Hell, for us to learn the difference… and make the right choice… For instance, Shakespeare’s Hamlet: To be or not to be, presents two distinct and opposite choices… What would be our choice? My dear friends, I suggest for our consideration to pick the choice: To be… God’s vast Universe contains both Paradise/Good and Hell/Evil… So does any of its components, including the human being… My dear friends, I’m bringing to our consideration to pick/extract from the Universe/our meaningful other(s,) the Paradise/Good…always, never-endingly… Why we always are looking for a happy ending?… It seems because inherently we sense the God of Truth within us and everywhere, containing each person we loved over so many reincarnations, who has been one of our significant ones… And everyone is special in her/his own right, as everyone is loved by the Creator and special to Her/Him… Our story over lifetimes presents the same dilemmas…to be or not to be/good and evil/love and hate/blessing and curse/loyalty and disloyalty to God within and everywhere, including every significant one/happy never-ending and so-called “happy ending”/immortality and mortality/being born, suffering and dying, and living happily ever after… Dear friends, in line with our deepest yearning: “LET ME LOVE,” I select to our consideration no dilemma, but acceptance of love, and love is acceptance, at the multiple levels of our Godly heart… With this understanding of our God-given will to choose… if there is a will there is a way to please everyone, in a practical down-to-earth way, in the present reincarnation…That is based on our agreement with ourselves and others, not to compromise, but to agree that God’s Unconditional Love instilled in our hearts is inexhaustible…Our Godly heart is unlimited… Let’s relate to each other this way-God’s way!... After all, God in me relating to God in you, cannot make but for a perfect relationship… For example... That Jean Harlow and Paul Bern returned respectively as the most probable documented reincarnations in the persons of Valerie Franich and Adrian Finkelstein, may prove the truth of reincarnation and its healing and unifying power to the world, in that love comes back through time and no one can control, dictate, or manipulate things…All people then try to find a way to do that, or try to make a situation to meet societies’ norms, but for the sake of creating artificial, psychologically “defined boundaries” between people, it cannot change the past lives and how the love and connection of the past comes back. For some there are only glimpses of the past, while for others are very strong connections, like Jean Harlow and Paul Bern, continued in their present lifetime through Valerie Franich and Adrian Finkelstein, as a deep friendship… Though both recognize that the love and commitment to a present life spouse, should be respected and honored. Some of my friends and other astute people of deeper knowing, understand that! Others can try to manipulate things, to tell how one is supposed to act…or whatever, but cannot change history and the story…Some do not believe in my reincarnation work, but at the same time my work is being proven right in front of their eyes… and if that makes sense… if we find a way to add this concept that is very important… And I’m proposing it for discussion. I’ve derived this concept out of my work, as a past life regression doctor. I sense that many people need to hear this message, the above concept… It seems that reincarnation and the past playing into the present, cannot be dictated by the societies’ norms…If the connection is strong enough the universe will work out with Gods help if you hang in there, to make all things work out for the best of all… The message is that souls have a happy never-ending and that for people it is to go with the flow of things with Gods help and to hang in there… Hanging in there allows God and the universe to move things forward and to not listen to what others say based on societal outdated templates… Valerie Franich wanted to help Dr. Finkelstein to scientifically prove reincarnation. But Jean Harlow and Paul Bern know how to prove it better than Valerie Franich and Adrian Finkelstein can. That is the great theme of this message, which applies to each and everyone of us… And dear friends, I would like to confess to you that mainly Paul Bern, MGM screenplay writer, my other most probable reincarnation, dictated this blog to me, and I agree with its content… If you have the time and wish to find out more about Jean Harlow and Paul Bern, I’d be humbled, if you’d click on our images in adrianfinkelstein, or pastlives … Love concurs all and brings towards OUR STORY’S HAPPY NEVER-ENDING…And the beauty of it is that is universal, it applies to all… LOVE,
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 15:40:15 +0000

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