OUR SUPPORT FOR NEW PDP IS NORMAL - SENATOR. some of the senators who declareed support for the formation of the new people democratic party have insisted that their action is consistent with democrtic ideal. One of the senator Danladi sankara, said this in a telephon interview with our correspondend in abuja on tuesday. Sankar said who signed a statement declaring support for rhe action of their various state governors did so with a mission to rescue PDP from imminent seif destruction. He said , " toi have a faction is not a crime in any political party , not just the PDP. The faction we have in the PDP today is one that seeks the improvement of the PDP . This is a demcracy for God"s sake and no one should beat you up and deny you their right to cry. All of us we signed that statement are with our governors 100 percent . There are is no exception , whoever you see his or her name on that list on board i am in support ofdecision take by my governor over the issue , i can say the same for my colleague you can also be rest assured that we represent many more senator who feel the same way. All we are asking for is for reforms to return the party to the ideals of its founding fathers . The situation now is that some people are to ampling on the right of members who are suggesting reforms which will make the party better and sronger . We are in a democacy not a dictatorship, in a democracy members of any political party have every right not only to ask question but also to suggest reforms. Politics is all about ideas, we electd these leaders in the first place , if we observe that they are deralling from the basic tenets of the party we have a right to come out and demand for changes. Also senator wilson Ake (PDP rivers) said senator who declared support for the action of new PDP were convinced that the action of the governors was a right step in the right decision. He said when you lookat the issues , they are resolvable ; the entire membership of the PDP want to the issue involved resolved quickly and amicably , none of us is in a hurry to leav the party . It (PDP) is better and sronger than all of the party you are seeing today. Te issue s that are being raised by those that are aggrieved are not beyond what the party can resolvee this dispute and quickly too ." senator Enang (PDP Akwa Ibom) who has identified with new PDP said internal dispute where normal in a political party as large like PDP it is normal to have bubbles some times and i believe that what has happend is to let people kown that every body is important " hee said.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 09:48:17 +0000

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