OUR VIEW OF GOD The Bible is Gods view of man. Now, we are - TopicsExpress


OUR VIEW OF GOD The Bible is Gods view of man. Now, we are going to view God by looking at Gods attributes and personality. We are going to let the Bible explain it to us (rather than as false prophets do, force the Bible to teach what they think belongs there). I teach visually, which is hard to do here, because the settings wont hold like I want to make them do. You may have to draw what I say, to see for yourself. First, horizontally across a page, draw a dotted line. This represents Gods life line. It goes infinitely into the past (left side of the page) and infinitely into the future. (infinite past)(infinite future) He is eternal, and called Himself I AM (always present tense) That is a very sophisticated concept for something written 3500 years ago, when men were making up silly myths about gods and goddesses. So, God is timeless, eternal. The Bible says God is a spirit (jn 4:24) God is holy (is 5:16) God is a Holy Spirit (is 63:10) God is one (du 4:6) God is one Holy Spirit (ep 2:18) God is Holy One (is 40:25) He is also omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient. By omnipotent, it means He is all powerful; but wont lie, wont controvert Himself. Some atheists enjoy asking if God can create a rock too heavy for Him to lift. The question is nonsensical, because God exceeds the universe He created. So, no, there are some things God cannot do, or wont do, without detracting from His great power. By omnipresent and omniscient, well see how God can be outside of Time, seeing it front to finish, knowing how it all turns out, while watching it play. His presence extends that far. These are attributes of God that never change. However God does acquire new attributes. He BECAME certain things. He became a Creator at Creation. Before Creation, He was not a Creator. It is what He makes that gives His job description. (For example, God will become a father to Israel, after Israel comes into existence.) In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. (gn 1:1) At that point, God BECAME a Beginner, and Creator. On that time line, near the left margin, put a B for Beginning Above it, put a C for Creation since both start at that point. At the top of the page to the side somewhere, we can start a list of acquisitions that God takes: Beginner, Creator. It wouldnt be cheating to introduce concepts we know will naturally follow, such as there will be an Ending (E), and Judgment (J), which will be placed on the right margin of that dotted line. There are two ways of looking at this. Between the Beginning and Ending, that may be TIME because Time has a beginning and ending. However, because I like to work to include science laws such as Thermodynamics 1 & 2, I see that entropy kicked in at the fall of Adam. This was descent of man, and the deterioration of nature because of his sin. Time either began on Day 1 of Creation, or the day Adam fell. Either way, we can allow that Time began and will end regarding humanity, which I illustrate it by a solid line. Remember, God is outside of Time, although we are showing when Time occurred in relationship to Him. Back up to that list of things God became, or will become, we can add: Ender, Ending, Judge, Omega. On Day 6, God created man in a unique relationship to Himself. He created Adam to be son of God. (lu 3:35) Thereby making God his Father. Add Father to the list of things God became. Note that the Holy Spirit became a Father. These are not two persons of a trinity. It is what the one Holy Spirit became. .........................Father of Adam
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 23:45:36 +0000

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