OUTER DARKNESS, a place of wailing and gnashing of teeth - What is - TopicsExpress


OUTER DARKNESS, a place of wailing and gnashing of teeth - What is it? There is no question that a person can die and God can raise him back to life just like in the case of Lazarus who died and was buried 3 days, whose body already decomposed and smelling bad but Jesus raised him back to life anyway. Jesus raised the dead back to life several times and even the Apostles did it. Many of them who experienced these physical death had stories to tell when their spirit leaves their body and saw the glimpse of eternity. This reality however does not negate the scripture in Hebrew 9:27 which says “ for it is ordained for man to die once and after that face judgment”, because nothing is impossible with God. I had one person who was declared clinically dead by the doctors for more or less 10 hours at the V-Luna hospital in Quezon City Philippines, that person came back to life after we prayed. She told me stories of what happened to her during that moments she was separated from her body. I remember her telling me how she came to a place of Utter Darkness, walking endlessly, so tired, crying and weeping unceasingly calling all the names of people she know for so long but to no avail, until she called on the name of Jesus then she saw a gate with light and in that gate was a man with a hole in his hand. Then after a while a voice directed her to go back to where her body was located in the hospital guided by a light. This place Outter Darkness is mentioned in the Bible in Matthew 8:12 and in Matthew 22:13 likewise in other scriptures in the Bible. It’s a real place for people who believe in God but have fallen short for lack of repentance, it’s a place where the five sleeping virgins in the parable is left behind, it’s also a place for people who are not sanctified, or people who don’t wear a wedding clothes at the Wedding Banquet when Christ returns, It’s a place of total darkness without fire. Below I would like to share with you a Testimony that will open our eyes to the reality of the three places (Hell, Outer Darkness, and Heaven). This is part of the testimony of a Chinese woman who is a Christian but could not enter the gate of heaven. Christians found in Outer Darkness by Sister Liyan I recently have had frequent supernatural experiences with God. Let me begin with sharing what I experienced in the past few years. Since 1996, I have known the Lord, and have been experiencing His truthfulness. I grew up in a Christian family, and believed in Jesus Christ, but did not truly know Him. Belief in Jesus is different from knowing Jesus. In 1 Samuel 3:7, regardless of growing up in the Temple, Samuel did not actually know the Lord. His knowledge of the Lord became real to him after the Lord had revealed Himself to Samuel. Like Samuel’s situation, I, too, did not know the Lord until 1996 when I was 16 years of age. Since I was a child, I had poor health, unlike my mother and sister. My mother is an ambitious lady both athome and in the workplace. She was often angry with me, due to my consistent sickness, and could not understand why I was so frequently sick, while my sister, on the other hand, was healthy. At home I could not help with any chores, even cooking, because I would often fall unconscious. The doctors could not diagnose my sickness until I had a CT scan, which showed that I had chronic gastritis, sinusitis, and periostitis. However, even after I had been diagnosed with these diseases, the doctors were unable to cure me. These diseases inhibited my ability to help around the house, so my mother treated me in a very cold manner, which caused my life to become more painful. When I was 16 years old, I was still unable to help with household chores, so my mother often threatened me. She would say, If you are going to die, you might as well die earlier to save everyone trouble. Look at yourself. You mean nothing to this world, you are unable to end your life or live a good life. What should we do for you?” I had no solution for myself either. Since that time, I began to pray to God: Dear God, if you are real, would you please help me to end my life on this earth?” I had repeatedly sought to commit suicide – in ways such as hanging, poison and jumping off a tall building – but every time the thought of death terrified me. I would think to myself, “What if my suicide fails?” I knew if this happened, the situation would worsen, I would suffer to an even greater extent. Thus, I did not commit suicide. Later, I remembered what the Bible said, “If anyone destroys Gods temple, God will destroy him. For Gods temple is holy, and you are that temple.” [1 Cor 3:17] which means suicide victims cannot be saved. On June 1st, I did not make any particular prayer, but merely said to God, God, if you are real, please end my life. Lord, please receive my spirit. When my mother left for work at 3:30 pm, I knelt down and started to continually pray at my bedside. Suddenly my spirit left my body and I saw my physical body still praying at the bedside suddenly fall down. My spirit started to linger around here and there. At that time, I was not afraid, instead, I had felt relieved and relaxed because I did not have any pains or headaches. At this time, I understood what the Bible says, that the Spirit gives life and that the flesh is useless. [John 6:63] I did not miss my physical body and it felt wonderful to finally be able to leave my sickly body. When my spirit left my body, I thought I was sure I was going to heaven because I thought that those who believed in Jesus were guaranteed to go to heaven after physical death. I also believed that the path to heaven was merely upwards and that the path to Hell was merely downwards. My spirit flew out the window and continued to rise up towards the sky. Wow, it was marvelous! I was heading up to heaven! I did not miss my family at all, not at all. Outer Darkness Then, my spirit went to a dark place. The darkness in that place is different from earthly darkness. That darkness will shock your spirit that you will not be able to see your hands even if you placed them in front of you. I was positive this was not heaven, even though I have never been there. I knew heaven is not supposed to be dark, it should be a place full of light. I thought, “Oh, no!” Does this mean this place is Hell? I could not determine the location of the place because when I was little I heard Hell is a place full of fire and sulfur; but here there was no fire, only darkness. I said, What kind of place is this? I heard a lot of people crying, [Matt 25:30] but I cannot tell where they were. Suddenly, I heard a voice that repeated, You go forward, you go forward.” I walked in the darkness and as I continued walking, the cries of the people got near enough that I should have been able to see them face to face, but I still could not see anything. At that time, I recognized the sound of iron chains, and heard a lock being opened. Suddenly a door opened, and the room was slightly brighter inside. I saw a great number of people, and when I think about it they were all Christians. The first thought that came to me was that Christianity was a lie, for those Christians did not go to heaven at all; they went to darkness, and this place was filled with Christians. How come they were all here? Some were Christian women from my village who had already passed away that I knew very well, but they all ended up in this place. Then a voice said to me: Go inside. I replied, Definitely not! I will never enter into this place. I knew that once I entered, I will join the crowd of crying, dead people. People in there were continuously yelling and crying and all of their clothes were grey and tattered. At that time, there was an unknown force that pushed me in, but my hand remained clinging to the door, and I refused to enter the room, so I knelt down and cried loudly, “Lord, I will never seek to commit suicide anymore, please return life to me and allow me to live. If I am going to this place, I might as well live several more years on earth with the sickness. Why should I come here? Oh, no!” by that time I had a question mark constantly pondering in my heart, as I thought there were no such places of heaven and Hell; all was a lie. Those who seemed to believe in Jesus on earth all ended up here. I constantly though – there was no such thing as Heaven or Hell. I asked: What is this place? Suddenly a voice said to me: This is a place of wailing and gnashing of teeth.” I could hear someone speaking but I could not see this person. I continued to ask, What? This is the place of wailing and gnashing of teeth? How come all these people here are Christians? He said, These people believed in Jesus without repentance. I replied, Then, how about the nonbelievers? He said, “The nonbelievers go directly to Hell. Then suddenly I found myself going directly to Hell. Hell The horrible place where nonbelievers are cannot compare to the place where those who believe Jesus without repentance are. I heard the people in Hell crying terribly in great pain. Everybody there shouted two words: So Hot! So Thirsty! I saw fire burning inside their bodies; every time the fire burned in their body, the person would scream. Surprisingly, worms that would not burn up, continued to drill and crawl in and out the people’s bones. Each time it would inflict great pain upon the person. Having one’s spirit tortured is worse than the physical body being tortured. When I realized this, I said to myself, “It is much better to believe in Jesus without repentance than not believing in Jesus and directly going to Hell,” when you take into account the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth, which is better than the Hell. Heaven I thought, does Heaven actually exist? The moment this question crossed my mind, I felt my spirit going up to Heaven. Wow! It was so beautiful; the beauty of Heaven was unbelievable. I saw flowing water, grass, mountains, and FLOWERS . The streets that were much more beautiful than the man made streets on Earth. The mountains were made of precious stones, the water looked like pearl and onyx crystals, the streets were paved with pure gold, and the walls were built with jasper, ruby, sapphire, and emerald. I was stunned by its beauty! I said to myself, I am not leaving! I desire to stay in a place like this. Suddenly an angel came and spoke to me, According to the level of your faith, you belong to the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth. You may not enter into this place. I demanded, I am not leaving. Then the angel said, No! You must leave. I replied, Do I have to suffer the pain from my sickness on Earth again? He said, If you are not willing go back to Earth, then your only other option is to stay in the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth. I said, If my only other option is to stay in that dark place, then I would rather return to my sick body on Earth and suffer from the disease. I chose to return to Earth. The next second my spirit returned home.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 12:03:14 +0000

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