OVER 700,000 ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS voted during the last election - TopicsExpress


OVER 700,000 ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS voted during the last election according to Fox News. And, those are ONLY the ones who admitted that they committed this crime to a pollster. HOW MANY more ILLEGALS are going to vote during these midterms? It could be as many as TEN MILLION or more. This is why the REPUBLICANS, as stated by John Boehner, Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Mitt Romney and Karl Rove; HAVE TO be the FIRST PARTY to get the credit for passing AMNESTY. This is ABSOLUTELY critical if the GOP is to procure and maintain power in 2016 and beyond! OBVIOUSLY the REPUBLICANS also have to have their hired IRS agency take the wages, salaries and property of the American Middle Class and help the ILLEGALS and their families/children with free EBT Food Share Cards, employment, free Socialized medicine, taxpayer subsidized low income housing, free public transportation to work and home and the stores, free public schools, free entitlements for when they become elderly and need our help for a reasonable retirement, and all sorts of Federal, State and County free benefits and welfare to help and support them. If the GOP does not transfer our wages, salaries and property to the ILLEGALS that they pass amnesty for, they can forget about the tens of millions of votes they would otherwise get. IF we do not want the Democrats into public office WE Conservatives HAVE TO let the Republicans pass AMNESTY BEFORE the DEMOCRATS or the GOP doesnt have a snowballs chance in hell of getting into power in 2016 and certainly not maintaining power. According to Karl Rove, John Boehner, Paul Ryan and Scott Walker; That is just the political reality on the ground. If you dont want the Democrats in power. THAT IS JUST THE POLITICAL REALITY, ON THE GROUND, IF YOU DONT WANT THE DEMOCRATS IN POWER. --- The Republican establishment IF the REPUBLICANS get their way and are successful with their plans the American Middle Class will have their wages, salaries and property STOLEN by the IRS and transferred to the ILLEGALS so that they can buy elections with our money. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION has a better idea. TELL THE REPUBLICANS John Boehner, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Chris Christie, Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, Karl Rove and the rest of the GOP establishment; DONT TREAD ON US! youtu.be/zFKzbN_0WLw THE SOLUTION; Why dont We The People only vote for State Assemblymen and State Senators who will pledge to sponsor and facilitate the passage of our State Joint Sovereignty Resolution with Arrest Provision? What does that do? With its VITAL companion legislation to prepare all State and Local Law Enforcement agencies with a SERIES of Constitution courses providing the education and the tools they need to honor their OATH to support and defend our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws against ALL Enemies both elected and their alphabet soup Federal agencies of corruption, tyranny, coercion, oppression, and despotism, it restores the eighteen powers and spending limits upon our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Bill of Rights and economy by incremental State nullification of ALL UNLAWFUL Federal spending and Acts of Congress and/or the Executive branch that exceeds the eighteen powers and spending privileges that We The People, according to the Preamble of The Constitution, ordained and established UPON THEM to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. In our present Ninth and TENTH Amendment Constitutional crisis of Republican and Democrat criminal contempt, ELECTIONS ARE NOT THE SOLUTION TO OUR PROBLEM, ELECTIONS ARE THE PROBLEM. They are buying elections with OUR own labor, while at the same time using our own money to eviscerate OUR Constitutional laws ON THEM. YOU can personally STOP all of this and restore THE RULE OF OUR CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS by SIGNING up to JOIN our NEW American Movement called; SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION here: https://facebook/events/1464895897101312 AND ---> TELL THE REPUBLICANS; DONT TREAD ON US! - Capt. Karl #Midterms #elections #Democrat #Republican #economy #jobs #entitlements #welfare #Schools #Constitution #9thAmendment #10thAmendment #amnesty #politics #Illegals #IllegalAliens #Invasion #border #TEA Party #Patriots #economics #jobs
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 13:24:38 +0000

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