OVERCOMING FEAR & DOUBT There is a reality many people are faced - TopicsExpress


OVERCOMING FEAR & DOUBT There is a reality many people are faced with each day. Their health is bad or they are dying. Then there are millions of people who are faced with a lack of money to pay the electric bill or the rent! Someone recently shared on a comment on one of my articles, that they felt most people teaching today were sitting in complete comfort not understanding at all what the common people were going through and what they were struggling with! When I was very ill and close to death on several occasions I had many well intending people say to me “well you just have to have the faith and believe God will heal you”. Then in times when I have been struggling with money and was not sure how to pay the rent, the electric or the gas bill, People would tell me the same thing well you just have to have faith and believe the money is already there! Well I can tell you from my firsthand experience in both areas. That there is a fear factor we have to deal with, this fear can be horribly paralyzing! When you are faced with death or simply you do not have the money to pay your rent, well it is not as easy as telling someone heal yourself or money is just energy and you can create it just like anything else! Many share these things with good intentions, having gone through the same things. I know when I was very ill I did believe I could be healed. At the same time I was able to help other people to be healed. So it was difficult for me to understand sometimes why I could not heal myself as well. It was very humbling! This was a big lesson I needed to learn was to live with true Humility! Then I also learn everything happens for a reason. Each lesson in life has a purpose, I heard from my heart very clearly in 2011 if I would leave everything I loved and worked so hard for in Texas to come to Hawaii that I would find complete healing! I also felt very clearly if I did not leave Texas that I would not live much longer. As I followed my heart and moved to Hawaii I have in fact found the healing I was promised! At the same time it has been costly to me economically. Since I have not been in Texas to manage all the businesses we have suffered some difficult losses, for many reason, plus my added cost here, we are all learning and growing! i do not feel this difficulties are any ones fault it is just what we all need to learn!! Yet at the same time I have total peace Maui is my home at this point in my life and I am not to go back to Texas. This is where the faith and believing does come in! For me to be healed took all the belief that I had, but it also took a lot of hard work on my part it was not an instant healing. I found my healing one day at a time, one step at a time! Changing my eating habits, exercising, the greatest was shifting my energy to a higher vibration! To become more pure in my heart and soul! Forgiving everyone who had hurt me and forgiving myself! What I want to address here is more the fear that you face at points in time in all this! A fear that can make you deeply ill, sick and vomit! A fear that can take days and months to conquer! Then with the fear comes a voice of doubt! I have been on both sides of the fence as they say I have believed for years for myself to be healed and it did not happen I only got worse! Then I have believed for the money I needed at the times in the past and I always had money for food, but there were time i lost my cars, trucks because I could not make the payments. I lost my credit more than one time. I lived in a car for a long time! But we have to face the fears and conquer them the same with the doubt! For those who have gone through these difficulties and others in life you know what I am talking about. The fear and doubt can be very painful! It is very real! For those of you who have never experienced anything of this nature, please be careful not to judge what you do not understand! I am sharing this today for many of us are going through some very difficult times in many ways. I get a lot of fed back from people reading my articles! Some of us are fighting to pay the rent, some of us our fighting to be healed, some of us are suffering from a deep loss of a loved one, then if you are really going through all of the above then, woow we have to dig deep to stay calm and in our heart! Not to allow fear, doubt or panic to take over! Yes these are all energies we have to conquer! We have to find courage to face our fears! We have to find calm in the midst of the storms of life! We have to work to maintain balance and grounding! I have since I was say 18 years old spent a great deal of time in prayer and meditation. Now as I will be 50 years old next week, I work to stay in a mindset and state of constant prayer and meditations. Even when I was young a spent a lot of time alone. I find when things get really tuff and very intense, I do not even get much sleep. Over the past week I have found my nights full of deep prayer. That I am not sleeping much, but staying in that meditative state I am speaking of. I have many people ask me how do I stay at peace? How do I not be afraid? How do I stay calm? My son in law Seth asked me the same question for many years over and over! Aaron how do you stay so peaceful all the time not matter what happens? I am better at this now than ever in the past! My answer was always the same! I would tell him “it takes Great effort and discipline each moment of the day and night”. I have found nothing Good in life comes easy! This has been my experience and most people I know! Good to me is the blessings of the heart, love, compassion, friends, family, then the material things we need to live and be comfortable! It is like any athlete if they do not practice and train hard then they cannot win or achieve their goals! I have found our spiritual walk is just the same! We have to work hard to live with compassion, create purity in our heart, stay calm, balanced and focused! For me everything in life is there to teach me how to become a better person, to become wiser, more balanced and let go! To Surrender more deeply to God! So to be clear I am not sitting back in a place of complete comfort Sharing all of these messages, I am going through a deeply difficult transition in my life! I have to work so hard each day to stay in my heart. I lost my mother and father in a short period. Mom in 2010. I left my family to come here to follow my heart and become the person typing these words. My health is much better but I have to work each day to stay that way. I lost the person who means more than anything else to me last month. I am going through a super tuff time with Finances, and at the moment I have no idea what my immediate future holds. So I understand deeply what it is like to be surrounded by the storms of life. With all this said, I still say we have to stay in the moment! We have to spend time feeding our heart and soul, just as we do our body! We cannot give into fear, doubt, worry; it is all a waste of our life force! How do we find victory over these things? One moment and one step at a time! Sometimes it is Baby steps that are all we can do! Other times we find things moving very rapidly!! One of the Greatest things I learned from 7 or 8 very near death experiences was this! “NEVER GIVE UP” I learned to surrender to God, but to Never Quit or Give up my fight for life or victory over the forces working to take away my peace, Faith, confidence! Me being here Alone in Maui is forcing me to grow so deeply! To bring myself to a much higher Vibration of light and love! I know there are several of you going through some really tough things right now! Just remember do not lose hope! It will get better and you are not alone! We are in this together!! Sending Hope & Trust Aaron
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 03:48:44 +0000

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