OVERCOMING HURT AND UNRESOLVED ISSUES (PART 2) 1 chronicles 4: - TopicsExpress


OVERCOMING HURT AND UNRESOLVED ISSUES (PART 2) 1 chronicles 4: 9-10. Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, “I gave birth to him in pain.” 10 Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request. The word “honorable” is taken from the Greek word “kabad” which means to have influence, to have authority, to have nobility. God had destined Jabez to be a man greatness, influence and nobility. He was destined for greatness but the devil stepped in to take it from in. Get this deep into your spirit that anytime to suffer any form of attack, whether in form of animosity, hostility, opposition, where the enemy stiffens the circumstances and conditions that surround you its because there’s something special about you that devil the wicked one is afraid of. You must never throw in the towel in the battle of your life, never. Never give the devil the pleasure of rejoicing over your defeat, and by defeat I don’t mean not having money, defeat is not evident by what you go through, defeat is a state of your heart. Defeat is when you let go in your heart and you are not holding on to God’s word and standing on God’s love. Defeat is when you have accepted the false verdict of the enemy. Never give the enemy the pleasure, you may not have the power to change your circumstances but never give the enemy the pleasure of rejoicing over your defeat, as the enemy tightens the knot, you increase the level of your praise, rejoicing in the love of God, just let it rise. When he makes it tougher and he shuts the heavenly’s , you increase the tempo of your faith understanding you have to deafen the ears of the devil and get the word of God and speak the word. Get the prophecies that have gone ahead of you and utter it let satan and the forces of darkness hear it. You may not have the power to change your present circumstance but let the words of your mouth and the meditations of your heart be acceptable in the sight of your God. God destined Jabez for greatness, honor and nobility, it was the intent of God for him to be more honorable than his brethren. History tell us that when Jabez’s mother gave birth to him, everything went hay wire. The moment he was born, his father died and lost properties, the mother left the house to deliver her child but couldn’t come go back to their house because they were homeless. There is a saying in Yoruba, “Ile ni a n wo ka to so omo loruko” which means before you name your child, check out the prevailing circumstances. Jabez’s mother looked at the prevailing circumstance to name her child “son of sorrow”. The mother had wrecked that nobility, so every time she calls her child she says “son of sorrow” and every time she see’s that child she remembers pain. Jabez was extremely assaulted by his own mother and many of us go through assault, it might not be in form of Jabez but what brings about abuse and injustice around us is abuse that leads to hurt and broken heartedness from treatment we receive from people that are most dear and closest to us. The maltreatment and injustice, animosity and rivalry which sometimes come from our parents, siblings, our big brothers and sisters hurt us deeply. Especially at a tender age where we believe anything said to us, if a little child is told you are good for nothing, you will fail, sometimes you hear things like your grandfather failed, your father failed so you have no choice. There are many lies of the enemy screaming at us. If you look in the average child born and raised in Africa today you will see in them low self esteem, fear and timidity but if you compare to a child born in the USA or Europe where there is a naturally encouraging and favorable environment you will see a natural confidence, even though it’s a confidence n the arm of flesh, you will see boldness. You will see an attitude of all possibilities. The environment in which we live matters, our environment will make or break us, so in that understanding you know that when you give birth to your children you create the right environment. Its not the size of your home or the area you are living that matters, it’s the prevailing spiritual atmosphere. There are homes where the spirit of sadness prevails, they never rejoice, because of a never enough mentality. Don’t ever allow your condition to define your environment, let what defines your environment be faith. A lot of people mistake faith for positivity, faith is not denial of the obvious, it is not assuming your unfavorable condition is not real, that’s why the bible didn’t say God is the one that calleth the things that be as though they were not but rather that God is the one that calleth the things that be not as though they were. It tells us that faith connects to the unseen realities of God, faith is not necessarily positivity but faith connects with a reality, a reality that is the will of God and when faith holds on that reality of God it is a substance. Even though your circumstances might not agree with that reality, you take the reality of God and super impose it over your natural circumstance.Faith isn’t saying the physical pain is not there, it’s okay to say your pain isn’t there but that’s not what faith is anyway. Positivity isn’t what faith is. Faith says my healing is real, my healing is established and because the healing is real it gets to a point I disregard the pain. So the fact that you are not in a favorable condition of life right now should not allow you crush your destiny, because it is your spiritual environment that determines your destiny. Your spiritual environment is what moulds the spirit and condition of your heart. A father who is short of paying his children’s fees can say to his children “children you know what? I don’t have your school fees but God has a plan for you, you are destined for greatness, the fact that I cannot pay your school fees in good time doesn’t mean you are not going somewhere, don’t let anyone should look down on you or in pity, you are a child of destiny, you are a child of a king.” The kind of environment that crush destiny are negative atmospheres, a spirit of hate, an environment fear, uncertainty, strife, abusive words. It’s okay for parents to scold and correct their child or children but never say negative words to your child in trying to correct them, don’t tell your child “ko ni da fun e – it won’t be well with you” its amazing the kind of things some parents say out of ignorance, telling your child it won’t be well with him or her out of annoyance should never be. You are harming the future of that child. It is written in the bible don’t spare the rod but that rod is not abuse, the reason God chastises us his children is to become partakers of his divine nature. It okay to beat our children but it has to be done to achieve what God’s will is and make known to the child. What destroys a child is when you give draw boundaries and give correction without kindness. On the other hand when you show kindness alone and you don’t draw boundaries you will equally destroy that child. TO OBTAIN THE FULL SERMON ON CD, CALL 08024453357/07061094985.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 15:57:33 +0000

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