OVERPASSES Movement This is a testimony from a fellow - TopicsExpress


OVERPASSES Movement This is a testimony from a fellow Massachusetts Patriot, Marlene. She is an beautiful author and an amazing woman who, despite her physical restriction that prevents her from attending often, does her very best to get out and join us! She is inspiring and I am proud to call her a fellow Patriot! *On Overpassing* I never thought I’d really enjoy standing on a walk-way on an overpass, waving to cars. I’m not necessarily reserved, but since I’ve been an official senior citizen for a while, I expected to be more comfortable home reading a book. ... Not! The traffic at the Littleton/110 exit from 495 was bumper to bumper and stretched as far as I could see. I hurried to put up my signs,“Honk to Impeach” and “Save our Constitution” suddenly aware that every car had people in it—people who savored the feeling of freedom like I savor the smell of fresh air. Then I watched and waved and smiled and waved and listened to horns honking, sometimes all three cars across the three lanes, sometimes in nearly continuous melody for six, seven, even eight cars with a deep accent as a trucker blew his horn to finish the tune. But, as enjoyable as that was, it could never match the songs stirring in my own heart. I was expressing my own rhapsody or march or lullaby. I was singing my own song in my own words with my own actions, and, Wow, did that feel good! And when I saw thumbs-up in front windows or pushed out side windows, I couldn’t help but let out my own, “Woooooot!” Is my time worth this? Will my exercise in freedom of speech change the presidency? Probably not the presidency. But will it make a change? YES! Maybe it will only be in the smile on a driver who is going to his second part-time job who is glad to see someone else feels as he does. Maybe it will only be the deep breath of a mother on her way home from the grocery store. Maybe it will only be the question of a five-year old or a sixteen year old or a twelve-year old, who asks, “What is that about?” “Why are they doing that?” and hears the answer, not the expected, “To impeach Obama.” but, “THEY ARE USING THEIR RIGHT OF FREE SPEECH TO HELP OUR COUNTRY!” Or maybe is will only be the cheer on the lips of a handicapped grandmother, feeling a freeness fill her heart as she honks her horn while she passes under me. Yes, it is worth it. Every bit worth it. Every bit.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 01:01:40 +0000

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