OWO MY GOOD SIMBU CITIZENS. PLEASE DISCUSS THIS ISSUE KEROWAGI TO JOIN JIWAKA PROVINCE: HAVE YOUR SAY HERE: —++++++++++++++++++++ - HON. MINISTER FOR EDUCATION NICK KUMAN MP HAS JUST ANNOUNCED TO THE PEOPLE OF JIWAKA THAT KEROWAGI DISTRICT WILL BE JOINING JIWAKA PROVINCE VERY SOON. HE STATED AT MINJ ON SATURDAY AT THE OPENNING OF JIWAKA PROVINCIAL EDUCATION. HE SAID THE CABINET WAS DELIBERATING ON THE BOUNDRIES ISSUES THROUGH THE DISTRICT AUTHORITY BILL AND WILL BE PRESENTED ON THE PARLIAMENT. IN MY VIEW AS ONE OF THE YOUNG LEADERS OF SIMBU I FIRMLY STAND AGAINST THIS SEPERATION BASED ON THIS GROUNDS: 1. Simbu in geographical wise is a very small province and breaking away mean diminishing the provincial land mass. Denigrating our pride in our land mass which is unacceptable according to our customs. 2. Kerowagi people are original Simbu people where the word Simbu born out of them through their Kuman Language of SIPUU meaning appreciation and it will be hard to remove them away from Simbu. 3. The word JIWAKA is make up of JI represent Jimmy people, WA represented Waghi people and KA represent Kambia people. There is nohing associated or represented Kerowagi people in the official Provincial name JIWAKA. Therefore Kerowagi people will be misfited, given less attention and seen second fiddle and most importantly cant be recognised the existence of Kerowagi people when it comes to interpretation of name JIWAKA. 4. Simbu population is still less than 300,000 particularly for the eligible voters according to 2012 election common roll. Splitting the population will bring Simbu population right down to a very small province equalent to Manus Province. This is unacceptable and cant be welcome as a proud citizens of simbu. 5. It was not the interest of Simbu people particularly Kerowagi people to create the JIWAKA PROVINCE. The People of JIWAKA has been broken away from their WHP brother because of social, political and economic ill treatments. Simbu and Kerowagi were not part of this grivances and discrepencies. For Kerowagi to join the Jiwaka will be seen as used and cant be recognised. There are many more reasons and have your say weather you against or for: Wakai weh top Simbus
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 08:37:13 +0000

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