OXYTABS (Oxymetholone) Product name: OXYTABS - TopicsExpress


OXYTABS (Oxymetholone) Product name: OXYTABS (Oxymetholone) Synonyms: Anadrol 50, Oxymetholone, Anapolon 50, Anapolon, Anasteron, Androlic, Oxylone, Manufacturer: G-Tech Pharmaceuticals (China) Active thing: Oxymetholone, 50 mg Packs: 60 pills $ 141 Description. OXYTABS (Oxymetholone) Anadrol was first developed in the 1960's by Syntex Pharmaceuticals as means to treat anemia and muscle wasting diseases. As is common with many medications designed for this purpose, Anadrol would soon find a welcomed home in the performance enhancing world. This can easily be seen as this particular anabolic steroid is comprised of the drug Oxymetholone which readily promotes weight gain by increasing appetite and red blood cell count, as well as increasing strength. However, there is an interesting note, too much Anadrol can seriously reduce your appetite and make weight gain very difficult; after all, if you can't eat you can't grow. Oxymetholone, commonly known as Anadrol due to the first manufactured name of the steroid is derived from Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and is a 17-Alpha-Alkylated steroid (17-aa.) The 17-aa alteration simply means the steroid has been chemically altered at the 17th carbon position to allow it to survive ingestion by surviving the first pass through the liver; without the 17-aa alteration the steroid would be destroyed before it ever entered the blood stream. The good news is by this alteration we are able to absorb a usable and powerful anabolic steroid; the bad news is this is toxic to the liver. As most oral steroids are 17-aa the toxic effect can be quite high but as it pertains to Anadrol this effect is more pronounced making it one of the most liver toxic steroids on the market. Once Anadrol enters the body, which is allowed by its 17-aa form it will become active very quickly and the effects will be dramatically fast. As we understand anabolic androgenic steroids the half-life associated with them largely affects the initial potency; Anadrol has a very short half-life of approximately 8.5 hours making the steroids activity almost instant but with a very short active duration. For this reason many athletes will split their Anadrol dose into two doses per day in order to keep a peak amount of the steroid active in their system around the clock during periods of use. However, one dose per day will be enough to keep an active amount of the steroid functioning in the body, although not at peak levels. As a steroid designed to treat weight deficiency and muscle wasting disease this is one of the more prominent bulking steroids we can use for a bulking purpose. While many anabolic steroids can serve both bulking and cutting purposes most have a primary role and Anadrol makes no exception. There is one purpose for Anadrol while on a cutting cycle and we will touch on it as we go but for the majority of steroid users bulking and only bulking will be the only time they use this steroid. With its immense power, Anadrol is one of the most powerful oral steroids ever made, individuals can see their weight increase by as much as 20-30lbs in a mere few weeks of use as well as see their strength shoot through the roof. Further, as this steroid is almost always used as part of a stack and not alone, due to its low androgen binding characteristics it will allow other steroids you are taking to more aptly fill this role and more or less create a higher level of synergy between the various anabolic androgenic steroids you are taking. buffout.net/en/products/oxytabs-oxymetholone.html?affId=635
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 17:00:32 +0000

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