Obama Care is a huge success, just not in the way that almost - TopicsExpress


Obama Care is a huge success, just not in the way that almost everybody expected it, especially in HEALTH CARE. #1. If and when this disaster is fully implemented, it will wipe out the small businessman. Remember that the Republican party depends upon donations from small business to fund their campaigns for elections. #2. Those business like McDonalds and Burger King, Wall Mart, will now lay off employees to keep employment in their establishments below critical nu!bets to stay below the threshold to be forced to provide coverage to their workforce, and those employee!kyles who ate now, and have been working have never gotten a full 40 hour work week, they, Wall Mary, ales yes ensure this to keep their employees in a full time part time status, will now start to reduce hours to below 30 hours a week which will ultimately force more employees into the food stamp lines just to make ends meet. #3. Remember Obama Care is a HUGE SUCCESS in that it drives more people into dependency upon our government, wipes out the opponents ability to acquire monies needed to effectively mount a viable opponent to run against the Democrats Party in upcoming elections, and remember, no person who is Dependant UPON THE GOV. for ASSISTANCE has ever CUT THE HAND OFF THAT FEEDS THEM, NEVER, EVER. #4. Unemployment benefits have once again been extended to beyond the point to where 60 straight months of unemployment is the norm, no future jobs are on the horizon with this CURRENT ADMINISTRATIONS DOMESTIC POLICIES BEING MANIPULATED BY THE LIKES OF PETA, N.E.A. UNIONS, ENVIRONMENTALIST MOVEMENTS AGENDA, WHICH IS TO BRING DOWN BUSINESSES DRIVEN BY FOSSIL FUEL TO PRODUCE THEIR PRODUCTS FOR OUR CONSUMER DRIVEN ECONOMY. There is NO AGENDA IN PLACE TO ADDRESS THESE ISSUES DUE TO THE POLITICAL AGENDA OF THIS ADMINISTRATION, WHICH IS TO CREATE A SOCIALIST SOCIETY. #5. Obamas hero is Saul Alinski, a RADICAL MARXIST whos sole agenda is to bring CAPITALISM TO ITS KNEES.. There by forcing everyone to become Dependant upon BIG GOV. for their every day needs. Look at what happened in England in 1967, it was called the WINTER OF DISCONTENT, the Socialist party gained control and over night inflation skyrocketed, bringing on mass riots and demonstrations. What just took in place in Greece, is just another example of what SOCIALISM can do to a country and the people dependent on gov. for their mere survival. #5. SO I ASK YOU ALL TO LOOK DEEP DOWN INSIDE, OBSERVE WHAT THIS CURRENT ADMINISTRATIONS RESULTS HAVE ACCOMPLISHED AND IF YOU CAN SAY THAT AMERICA IS BETTER OFF NOW THAN BEFORE OBAMA BECAME PRESIDENT THEN FINE. BUT IN REALITY EVERYONE OF YOU KNOW THAT THAT OUR ECONOMY IS STAGNANT, AND THAT JOBS CREATED BY OUR GOVERNMENT THAT ARE GOV JOBS ARE TRULY NOT JOBS CREATED BUT JUST MORE PEOPLE WORKING OFF THE TAX PAYERS BACKS, AND FOR THIS ADMIN. TO SAY JOBS HAVE BEEN CREATED, IS A FLAT OUT LIE. JOB CREATION IS WHEN THE PRIVATE SECTOR CREATES JOBS, NOT THE GOV CREATING MORE GOV JOBS. We as American citizens deserve better than the constant lies which keep coming out of Was. on a daily basis, and an administration that is focused on creating, BUSINESSES DRIVEN BY DEMAND SIDE ECONOMICS AND LET OUR, FREE MARKET, INDEPENDENT ENTERPRISE, FREE, TO CREATE JOBS AND FREE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FROM THE SHACKLES this administration has place upon every American citizen. #6. So to say Obama Care is a SUCCESS or FAILURE is entirely based upon which way one determines SUCCESS/FAILURE.. YOU BE THE JUDGE. I FOR ONE ONLY SEE THE DEMISE OF OUR CURRENT WAY OF LIFE THAT OUR FOUNDING FATHERS FOUGHT SO HARD TO ACQUIRE, BEING FLUSHED DOWN THE DRAIN, AND BEING TOTALLY DISMEMBERED/TOTALLY DESTROYED BY OUR CURRENT ADMINISTRATION. #7. Barbara Boxer is only concerned with one thing and one thing only. That being the more people the Democrat Party can get on the Public Doles, the more votes the Democrats Party can count on to keep their strangle hold on every LEGAL TAX PAYING CITIZEN till we suffocate and die, which prevents even more room for more TAKERS to get on the PUBLIC DOLES, ensuring the Republican Party is completely wiped out of ex distance. #8. First off there be as FDRS---NEW DEAL BUILT THE COFFIN second there was LBJS--- WAR ON POVERTY BUILT THE LID TO THE COFFIN, which got the money to support it from OUR SOCIAL SECURITY TRUST FUND which was there for those of us to pay into and draw out of at originally the age of 63, and now 65,66, and again they are trying to set the age limit to 70 years old. THE LEGAL PAYERS GOT ROBBED/STOLEN FROM BY THOSE IN POWER AT THE TIME, KNOWING WHEN IT CAME TIME TO PAY THE PIPER, THEY WOULD BE LONG DEAD AND NOT BE ABLE TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR RAIDING/STEALING FROM THE AMERICAN TAX PAYERS. DEMOCRATS AS WELL AS REPUBLICANS KNEW WHAT WAS HAPPENING AND DID NOTHING TO STOP IT FROM HAPPENING. thirdly DRIVING THE NAILS INTO THE COFFIN BUILT BY FDR, THEN THE LID BUILT BY LBJ AND THE NAILS DRIVEN IN BY OBAMA CARE FINALIZED THE COMPLETION OF THE CRADLE TO GRAVE MENTALITY WHERE NOW OVER BY THE TIME OF THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL RACE, MORE THAN 51% A MAJORITY HAVE/ARE OR DEPEND UPON THE GOVERNMENT FOR THEIR LIVELIHOOD. ONLY IN AMERICA, WHERE OUR CONSTITUTION GUARANTIES EVERYBODY ONE BASIC RIGHT; THAT BEING STUPIDITY, AND BELIEVING THERE REALLY IS A FREE LUNCH, AND THEY DESERVE IT MENTALITY WHICH HAS BROUGHT CAPITALISM TO ITS KNEES, AND REPLACED IT WITH SOCIALISM, WHICH WAS WHAT THE DEMOCRAT PARTY ALL ALONG HAS STOOD FOR, AND EVERY DEMOCRAT THAT COULD NOT/OR DID NOT WANT TO BELIEVE HAS FINALLY COME TO FRUITION.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:54:47 +0000

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