Obama Chosen by the Russians 20 Years Ago Tom Fife, an - TopicsExpress


Obama Chosen by the Russians 20 Years Ago Tom Fife, an American physicist and businessman was at a gathering in Moscow in February 1992 when an ethnic comment made about Russians angered a female KGB agent in attendance and caused her to unveil threatening secrets about an upcoming U.S. president. As he relayed on Jeff Nyquist in February of this year, he and two others were in Moscow for a joint venture with a leading scientist from a Russian science academy, after which time they were invited to a going away dinner hosted by the scientist and his wife who was an agent for the Russian Communist Party. In the course of their conversation one of the Americans expressed his surprise over the influx of Mongol peoples in Russia reflected in their Mongol features, to which the hostess took offense (seeing their pure breed superiority slighted) and retorted that it is we Americans who have all the ethnic diversity and division, citing our riots and racial history, etc. She went on to say that the U.S. would soon receive a black president who was already chosen, and said that he had been well groomed by the Soviets to be irresistible to the American people. One of the guests exclaimed, “It sounds like you know something we don’t know. “Yes, it is true,” she replied. “This is not some idle talk. He is already born, and he is educated and being groomed to be president right now. Have no doubt: he is one of us.” She described him as a Communist whose father was a black African and whose mother was white. “It’s all been thought out. His father is not an American black, so he won’t have that social slave stigma. He is intelligent and he is half white and has been raised from the cradle to be an atheist and a communist. He’s gone to the finest schools. He is being guided every step of the way and he will be irresistible to America.” She rattled off a complete litany on their protege, stating that he was from Hawaii and that he had been schooled in New York and California with his current (1992) residence in Chicago. She called him the chocolate baby because of his mixed ethnicity and said that his name was Barack. Fife responded by saying that he believed the word barack in Arabic meant blessing, to which she emphatically agreed, stating that this black man would be a blessing for world communism. She explained that the only remaining obstacle for the advance of global communism was the United States and said that he will be the instrument to convert America over to communist ways (change) so that the cause of communism can finally flourish worldwide without further hindrance from capitalism. Fife was somewhat taken by her discourse which he found convincing and indisputable. What impressed him more than anything else was not so much what she said as the assuredness in which she spoke and described her as an authority on the subject who spoke with command. Though some of the Russians in attendance cleared their throat and made little signs for her to hush they dared not to interrupt her discourse as if she had an air of power about her. Thankfully her vanity got the better of her so that her greatest enemy, America, could know the truth. It only behooves Americans to capitalize on the truth and spread it around since The truth will make you free. (John 8:32) The enemy banks on our apathy and remissness to achieve their new order of global enslavement, so why give them their way? The communists in the Kremlin roar with laughter that Americans have fallen prey to their pacifist fairytale that communism died in the early nineties. This was only a ruse to throw us off in the advent of a coming Red assault. As they finalize their plan for world conquest they dont want the world to suspect what theyre about to do, so the bear is simply playing dead in keeping with Lenins strategy: When youre strong, feign weakness. If Russia were less powerful they would not be able to exert such power over the western mind that would have us believe something so utterly ridiculous and unfounded. Their success depends on our fall to their media hypnosis which is why America must wake up and spread the truth while we still have the time to do so. David Martin Our Ladys Workers of Southern California [email protected] Radio interview with Jeff Nyquist/Tom Fife Tom Fife and Anne Leary Interviews Article published in the American Free Press: americanfreepress.net/html/global_elite_picked_obama_171.html
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 11:36:50 +0000

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