Obama: Diplomatic Wrecking Ball There is little doubt in my mind - TopicsExpress


Obama: Diplomatic Wrecking Ball There is little doubt in my mind that Barack Hussein Obama II is the worst president in the history of the United States. He is constantly being compared to three other low ranked Presidents. Obama is noted for the “malaise” of Jimmy Carter, the “dirty tricks” of Richard Nixon, and the “ hands-off “ policy of the Herbert Hover Administration. Some of the greatest harm that Obama has inflicted on America has been in the area of foreign policy. He was elected on the assumption that he would make the world like us again. Obama began his tenure in office by traveling around Europe apologizing for America’s supposed international arrogance. His policy of weakness has only earned him contempt. Our enemies no longer fear us, and our friends no longer respect us. The 2012 Benghazi attack shows what happens when you show weakness to your enemies. We should remember that during that same time period, eight other diplomatic missions in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe were subject to similar violent attacks. Obama is at his best when he is bad talking our nation. He just came back from a trip to Africa. While visiting Tanzanai, Obama warned African nations to watch out for greedy American businesses. As the chief executive for the U.S. government, Obama should be talking up American business. Instead, he spouted this nonsense: Somebody says they want to come build something here: Are they hiring African workers? Somebody says that we want to help you develop your natural resources: How much of the money is staying in Africa? I do think that it’s important for Africans to make sure that these interactions are good for Africa. There has been a long history of extracting resources from Africa, you take raw materials, you send them to some place else where they get used processed, sometimes sold back to Africa. The profits stay there the jobs stay there and not much stays in Africa. The Chinese leaders, however, are not talking down their involvement in Africa. They have made numerous deals to help exploit Africa’s resources. Beijing’s greatest triumph was to capture the lion share of the oil drilling rights in Iraq─after the U.S. spent a trillion dollars freeing the Iraqi people. Yet Obama somehow managed to fumble the only positive aspect of our involvement in that nation. Another huge diplomatic gaffe for the Obama Administration was the decision to have the NSA spy on our European allies. I know that all nations spy on each other─even those who are close friends. But spying operations are normally carried out by: elite CIA operatives. Poor judgment sets in when you have the entire bloated ranks of the NSA involved in spying on a friendly nation and expect a quarter million people to keep this a secret. The attempt to capture Edward Snowden helped demonstrate how much respect America has lost in the international community. As our government tried to snare the fugitive intelligence contractor, China and Russia conspired together to frustrate our efforts. Russia’s Putin, mocked the U.S. by telling his new guest, “He must cease his work aimed at inflicting damage to our American partners.” Washington’s handling of the Snowden affair even managed to make enemies in South America. Somehow the State Department got the idea that Snowden was onboard a flight that was carrying Bolivian President, Evo Morales who was flying back to Bolivia from a trip to Moscow. The plane was forced to stop in Vienna, and the incident instantly became a huge embarrassment for the U.S. when it became clear that Snowden was still in Russia. The current crisis in Egypt has also been a disaster for U.S. foreign policy. A massive wave of anti-Obama sentiment was generated in Egypt over our support for the now ousted Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi. Protestors in Tahrir Square held signs that read: “Wake up America: Obama backs a fascist regime in Egypt.” Many of the protestors held signs that attacked U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson. She resisted opportunities to criticize the Muslim Brotherhood government as it implemented increasingly authoritarian policies. On June 18, Patterson lent support to Morsi by saying, “Some say that street action will produce better results than elections, to be honest, my government and I are deeply skeptical.” Barack Obama’s most abhorrent diplomatic misstep would have to be his treatment of Israel. Obama has proven himself to be “the anti-Israel president,” by openly snubbing Israel’s Netanyahu and warming up to Arab nations that will never be as trustworthy as Israel. Obama’s clear failure as a world leader has opened a door for someone else to come in and be the perfect diplomat. Since the Bible predicts that the whole world will worship the Antichrist as the ultimate problem solver, Obama’s clownish actions may be designed to set the stage for the Beast of Revelation. “And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” (Revelation 13:4) raptureready
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 03:14:00 +0000

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