Obama: Dislike: His lack of experience. He does not have a lot of - TopicsExpress


Obama: Dislike: His lack of experience. He does not have a lot of experience. I think he should have waited a few more years. Then he would have made an amazing president. Like: His education plans. I feel they actually serve the needs of the children, and do not just go by his own agenda that serves no one. There is nothing more important than educating our young people. I hate people who push the claim that Bush and Obama are exactly the same and call it intellectual honesty and consistency. If you were really intellectually honest, youd acknowledge their many differences. Your consistency is just a white-washing of all other ideological beliefs as equally dishonest and corrupt when compared to your own understanding of governing philosophies. Im now starting to realise its not a matter of love/hate with the Obamas. I believe it is more a matter of politics. President Obama sat at the feet of an avowed Anti-American Raciest for over twenty years. However this racist was key to politics and political life in that area. When the winds of fortune changes, Obama tossed him under the buss and disavowed any association with him. Then moved on. President Obama, faced with mounting problems and a press and Democrats who are running out of excuse for the White Houses incompetence, saw a cheap and easy (they though) way of burying the VA scandal and raising the Presidents poll numbers. As usual however they did not do the research and this, again, blew up in their face. Now there is mounting evidence that along with the five terrorists, a monetary compensation may have been paid for the release of Sgt. Bergdahl. The idea, it would seem, that any way to get him back was politicaly profitable. Again, it is not a love/hate thing. It is purely a political thing.
Posted on: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 20:09:56 +0000

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