Obama Impeached and Convicted of Felony Capital Murder - Obama - TopicsExpress


Obama Impeached and Convicted of Felony Capital Murder - Obama awaits a pardon as he faces the death penalty by electric chair at the Central Office Headquarters of Federal Prisons, in Washington, DC. Articles of Impeachment - Before the US House of Representatives and the US Senate Reviewed: US v. Obama (aka Soetoro) 18 US 153 (2014) OUTLINE 1) Murder/Homicide A) Fast and Furious - Felony Murder- Felony sales of thousands of machine guns to the Mexican Criminal Cartel, which were the proximate cause of the Capital murder of Border Guard Brain Terry (Here, the murder Brian Terry is murder of a peace officer and is thus Capital Murder and carries the death penalty) and the collateral mass murder of four hundred (400) to eight thousand (8,000) Mexican citizens (these mass murders are noted in the record but technically they are not in Congress territorial or the US Supreme Courts (SCOTUS) jurisdiction to prosecute). Attorney General Eric Holder turns states evidence - describes in testimony Obamas plot to, ... use Fast and Furious as a pretext to eviscerate the Second Amendment, confiscate all citizens guns, and round up and exterminate Tea Party members and citizens who support the US Constitution. B) negligent homicide - Ambassador Chris Stevens and CIA agents C) negligent homicide - VA - 40 patients 2) election fraud A) Frame Up of Ted Stevens - Fraudulent 2008 Election of Senator Mark Begich B) IRS Tea Party Suppression of 15-20 million votes - Fraudulent 2012 Election of Barrak Obama C) Sham Votes - Organizing massive sham voting (with taxpayer funds) and stopping voter ID 3) Judge Tampering - Ex Parte Threat to the Supreme Court shortly before Obama Care ruling 4)Faithful Execution of the Law - Article Two of the US Constitution A) failure to secure the border i) waging biological warfare against the American People - ebola and entero virus ii) Islamic Terrorism - ISIS - providing aid and comfort to the enemy B) Obama Care - cronies immune, political opponents crushed C) Using the NSA to spy on political opponents 5) Hatch Act - Trillions of dollars of tax payer money misappropriated by government patronage job holders to rig elections and subvert US Constitution, and deny US Citizens their First Amendment rights 6) Misappropriation of Funds - Quid per Quo - Billions of dollars kicked back to political supporters, rent seekers and donors in the form of unconstitutional 1) regulations that hurt private entity competitors, 2) government guaranteed loans, 3) cash payouts 7) Obstruction of Justice - destruction of Evidence, Sojourning Perjury, Perjury, Spoliation of Evidence, witness tampering, multiple counts Finding Obama is impeached and convicted of Felony Capital Murder, and multiple other felonies, sentenced to death and faces the electric chair. Contemporaneously, following parliamentary procedure and to preserve the continuity of executive power, Obama is unseated due to 2012 election fraud and his opponent Mitt Romney seated as President. The conviction is sent to the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) for review. BREAKING NEWS Now that he has secret service protection, Romney admits he threw the 2012 elections last debate and stopped campaigning for the last two weeks before the election because Obama threatened to kill his children. FBI agents have come forward looking for immunity from prosecution if they testify against DOJ Directors in the assassination of Senator Ted Stevens as part of the election rigging, maliciously prosecution, murder, and treason conspiracy perpetrated by Obama that resulted in Obama taking over the senate, giving Obama control of all three branches of the US government, and thereby overthrowing of the US Republic in a coup détat. Every Supreme Court justice has confirmed that Obama threatened to kill them and their families if they did not find a loophole for Obama Care. The new Attorney General, Trey Gowdy, is indicting Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder (note: Holder has been granted immunity from the death penalty for his testimony) for accomplice felony murder for Fast and Furious, Hillary Clinton for negligent homicide of Chris Stevens, and IRS Lois Lerner and John Koskinen for election fraud, perjury and obstruction of justice. The US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) rules that every, law, executive order, and regulation ever passed under the constitutionally invalid and illegal Obama regime is quashed, invalid and moot because Obama was never a legally elected US President and engaged in high crimes and misdemeanors while acting as sham President. TRIAL NOTES US v. Obama (aka Soetoro) 18 US 153 (2014) Trial Notes - Special US Supreme Court Session after the Impeachment by the House of Representatives, and Conviction of Obama aka Soetoro by the US Senate, to Consider Death Penalty Liability Was being a Sociopath Obamas Best Defense to Felony Murder Charges? In US v. Obama (aka Soetoro) 18 US 153 (2014) the defense argued that Barry Soetoro, aka Barrak Hussein Obama, is a sociopath who lacks a conscience or the ability to discern right from wrong. Obama testified that, My heroes are mass murdering despots like Stalin and Mao. The Prosecution noted that the testimony of Attorney General Eric Holder, who had turned state evidence to gain immunity and escape the death penalty, was key to Obamas conviction. Prosecutor Trey Gowdy argued that, Obama committed, and is liable for, felony murder, which is a homicide committed during the perpetration of a felony. That felony was gun running. The hapless, innocent victims included Brain Terry, the Border Guard, which makes Obama liable for the death penalty, because Brian was a police agent, and at least 400, and perhaps as many as 8,000, innocent Mexican citizens. Gowdy further stated, These felonies and murders committed during the fast and furious gambit meant to eviscerate the Second Amendment, disarm the citizenry, institute martial law, and round up and exterminate tens of millions of Obamas political opponents. The Prosecutor concluded his opening statement saying, But for Obama plotting the mass murder of millions of political opponents, engaging in running thousands of machine guns to the Mexican Criminal Cartels, border Guard Brian Terry, a true patriot and true American would be alive today. Brian would be defending the borders of our county, instead of being laid to waste by Obamas bullets from machine guns Obama sold to the Mexican Cartel. Obamas perpetration of felony gunning was the proximate cause of Border Guard Brian Terrys death. Obama is liable for Capital murder and must face the death penalty for there to be true, Social Justice. Attorney General Eric Holder, testifying under a grant of immunity from prosecution, said that, Obamas goal is to degrade and destroy all Neo-Colonials, which include Americans, Europeans, Australians and Japanese or essentially any civilization that has the technological ability to have a sanitary sewer system and potable drinking water. Obama considers the destruction of the Neo Colonialist as the true shining path to Social Justice, where the Neo Colonist oppressors, whose wealth is the result of theft form the Third World, not from their own efforts, are vanquished. However, the suffering of all peoples world wide are of no concern to Obama in reaching his goal, including the deaths of 400 innocent Mexicans. When asked about the plot to confiscate guns and round up and exterminate Tea Party types, Holder testified, Sure, the Fast and Furious scheme was meant to eviscerate the Second Amendment. Hell, the Second Amendment was the only thing that stood in our way of getting total control and forming an all powerful Central Government, and then merging the Central government with the EU and the United Nations, thereby setting the stage for Obama to become what he really wanted to be, Chairman of the World Government. But first, we had disarm the citizenry, institute martial law, and round up and exterminate tens of millions of Obamas political opponents. Heck, we just laughed about how we were going to starve, shoot and gas those pesky Tea Partiers. Obama said that the Shining Path to Social Justice had been laid out by his hero, Chairman Mao, the leader of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, who confiscated all citizens guns as the first part of his re-education program, and then enlightened sixty-five (65) million politically incorrect citizens by denouncing them, sending them to re-education camps and finally starving them to death or shooting them. Obama would laugh and say, The only constitutional law that matters under my regime is Maos quote about guns, Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. Obamas Defense Attorney, Loretta Lynch, argued that, Obama does not hate anyone, because his moral compass is relativistic, and swings in whatever direction is required to advance his Social Justice scheme. Obama is amoral, and has no more concern about murdering Brain Terry, or leaving Ambassador Chris Stevens to be burned alive, or using the IRS rig the election, then he would be troubled by a poor putting shot on a hole of golf. Lynch argues that under the MNaghten Rule, or test, the issue is whether Obama knew the nature of the crime or understood right from wrong at the time he committed the felony murder. Lynch asserted that Obama met at least one of two distinct criteria of the interpretation of wrong where the wrong in question refers to moral or legal wrong, or both. Lynch noted that even though Obama had gone to law school, he had flunked many classes, which is the reason he never released his college transcripts. Lynch said Obama had been out partying and skipped his Constitutional Law and Criminal and Criminal Procedure classes, and just barley skated through the exams using cheat sheets that he always taped to his legs during exams, which he looked at when he asked to be excused to go to the restroom. Lynch said Obama only managed to squeak through Evidence by threatening to accuse his professor of being a racist in a compliant to the Academic Senate if the professor did not change a Evidence midterm essay grade from an F to an A. Thus, Lynch argued, besides being amoral, Obama had no clue that running guns to Mexican Criminal Cartels was a crime, much less a felony, because had Obama cheated and extorted his way through law school. Thus, the question before the Court was: Did Obamas sociopathic character, and his total ignorance of the law, prevent him from being able to form the requisite intent to commit the felony murder of Border Guard Brian Terry? The Supreme Court Justices ruled anomalously that Obamas lack of moral character and lack of legal knowledge did not rise to the level that would prevent him from understanding the nature of his crime, and that the death penalty was warranted. Defendant Obamas petition for relief from the death penalty IS DENIED. EPILOGUE The Second Constitutional Republic of the United States of America is established and Americans are once again a free people. Dedicated to Jack, a True American and great Lawyer.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 02:45:43 +0000

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