Obama Impeachment The biggest free loaders ever in the White - TopicsExpress


Obama Impeachment The biggest free loaders ever in the White House and put both of them in prison 25 to life for what they did with the tax payers money!! THIRD TERM NO WAY IN HELL!!!! So I heard a report the Obama was looking into changing this law so he could get third term ? However with all the crap this party and government has pulled in pass few years it would surprise me that they pulled off this little matter? Congress and Senate should be held to same limits. I believe this reason why we have such problem with the good old boy network in Washington D/C now! This why Obama needs to be impeached for the common good of our country! Hes not making things any better and dividing us between the blacks and whites, the rich and the poor. This isnt best answer for any of our problems!!!! While Obama has all of the, following > DOJ, IRS, NSA, UN, ACORN ,LABOR-UNIONS and NAACP. Oh let’s not forget every news station except for FOX NEWS spreading his lies!! Moreover let’s not forget the four men that die on 09/11/2012 we still haven’t gotten that settled at all!!! Why should follow leaders who cant or wont lead and all they are doing is lining their pockets with our tax dollars? Also go on costly vacations at the drop of hat all at poor tax payer’s expends . Obama try change subject on all of his screw ups and why let him start another without fixing mistakes from the past? I am opposing any U.S. military intervention in Syria, suggesting the world “let Allah sort it out.” They have been killing each other for thousands of years! I wouldn’t trust him to lead pack of Cub Scouts let alone our country? He must have been lowest ranked in your lawyer class rating? Wonder how come he doesn’t use your law degree now? For the first time in my life I am ashamed of my countrymen for picking this man has our president and his free loading wife and doesnt matter if he’s black or white moreover is both. However he just cant handle this job and using under handed tricks , lies , cover-ups and is just another crooked lawyer from Chicago!!! You suck has Secretary of state and everyone knows it especial the four guys that died because of your screw up !!!! GO TO JAIL & DONT PASS GO!!!! The whole town is full of crooks sucking tits off the cash cow the USA Tax Payers!!!!! I believe president has to spend time in the military order to run our country and he must serve it first!!!! This Obama care sucks so bad ruin everything! These guys are died so Obama could get reelected to his office he turned his back on them and lied about it!!! WTF why is he still in the white house now????? The American people need clean out the swamp in 2016 regain the power in right direction in the congress before its to late!!!!! Need to weed out all them who arent doing right the USA tax payers!!! We got a long war ahead of us to fight these crazy people would have to be totally wipe from the earth or send to different planet before there would be peace on earth!!!! I bet know which finger that is the middle one right ..!.. what a waste of time and money to put in office what were all of these people thinking when they vote him in two times? If he doesnt start to work this out then they should look into impeachment options !!!! I am so tired of all the BS playing he said she said game acting like bunch of spoiled brats OMG ready to go up there to Washington D/C and kick some BUTTS right now!!!! I like to kick there A$$ down the road to hell with kicking the can down the road!! Stop all of the pork barrel project until the national debt is paid off even if takes forever!! The names on this list should deal with back their home states dont reelect those SOBs back to Washington Dont/Care send some people know how to work together with others!!!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 02:21:56 +0000

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