“Obama Pledges Gun Control ‘With or Without Congress’ in - TopicsExpress


“Obama Pledges Gun Control ‘With or Without Congress’ in 2014 State of the Union Address.” That was the headline on a recent national news website after President Obama announced yet another massive push for draconian gun control schemes. I’m not going to beat around the bush. I’ve stated time and again 2014 will be perhaps THE most important year for our Second Amendment rights in recent memory. Today, I’m asking you to please take just two minutes and sign up for the National Association for Gun Rights’ FRONTLINE DEFENDER monthly-contributor program. You can do so for just $0.33 per day. That might not sound like much, but the truth is, there’s literally NOTHING you can do to make a bigger impact for our Second Amendment rights! So won’t you please act right away? The truth is, President Obamas State of the Union speech was only the latest threat you and I have seen from the gun-grabbers in recent weeks. *** First, it was BILLIONAIRE playboy and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloombergs announcement that he would put in his “whole foot” in an all-out push for gun control in 2014, spending tens of MILLIONS of dollars. *** Then, Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein announced he was filming a new propaganda flick designed to make Second Amendment supporters “wish they weren’t alive.” *** Then, former Congresswoman and anti-gun activist Gabrielle Giffords launched a massive new TV ad buy of her own right before Obama’s State of the Union address designed to turn up the heat on Congress. And I’m afraid National Gun Registration under the guise of “universal background checks” continues to be the gun-grabbers’ top priority. That was the key provision in last year’s so-called “Toomey-Manchin” compromise. It lays at the very core of the U.N.’s so-called “Small Arms Treaty” set to come before the Senate for ratification. And as you know, registration is just the first step toward outright CONFISCATION. Not only that, but 2014 is an election year too! Should the gun-grabbers get away without paying a price at the ballot box in 2014, it will only embolden them to launch even more outrageous assaults on our Second Amendment rights. The good news is, National Association for Gun Rights’ FRONTLINE DEFENDERS are the key to stopping the gun-grabbers’ schemes. In today’s political environment, often legislation is unveiled just a few hours before it’s set to be voted on. That’s because the statists know it takes time for our side to mobilize. The good news is, the FRONTLINE DEFENDER monthly contributor program fixes that problem . . . It does so by ensuring NAGR has the resources to mobilize pro-gun Americans at the drop of the hat. FRONTLINE DEFENDERS monthly contributions mean it no longer takes weeks to raise the money to launch full-scale counterattacks. With your monthly support, you’ll help ensure the National Association for Gun Rights is ready for anything. I’ll be able to launch hard-hitting mailings, emails, radio, internet and TV ads at literally a moment’s notice. Not only that, but since your monthly support gives me some idea of future resources, it means I can spend even more money turning up the heat on politicians. This can be the crucial difference between winning and losing. With President Obama in the White House, I’m afraid “losing” means the ultimate DESTRUCTION of our Second Amendment. Roger, $0.33 per day might not sound like it would make that much of a difference. But FRONTLINE DEFENDERS are NAGR’s backbone. In fact, I’ve always done everything I could to ensure these fine men and women know just how much I appreciate all they do. That’s why I offer gifts for all those who sign up. I know they’re a hit. I can’t tell you how much I love seeing proud Second Amendment supporters wearing the FRONTLINE DEFENDER gear when I attend various events all over the country. Not only that, but recently NAGR announced monthly gun giveaways. And all FRONTLINE DEFENDERS are automatically entered. So won’t you please sign up today? In any fight against the gun-grabbers, it’s FRONTLINE DEFENDERS who serve as our Second Amendment’s first line of defense. The truth is, with everything that’s at stake this year, I need as many men and women as possible to sign up as FRONTLINE DEFENDER monthly contributors. So please act right away. And thank you for all you do. For Freedom, Dudley Brown Executive Vice President P.S. FRONTLINE DEFENDERS monthly contributions mean it no longer takes weeks to raise the money to launch full-scale counterattacks. And with President Obama and the gun-grabbers doubling down on a new push for gun control, FRONTLINE DEFENDERS’ monthly support has never been more critical. So won’t you please agree to sign up right away? You can do so for as little as $0.33 per day. And there’s NOTHING you can do to make a bigger impact for our Second Amendment rights. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights mailing address is P.O. Box 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is NationalGunRights.org/ Not produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To help the National Association for Gun Rights grow, please forward this to a friend. To view this email as a web page, please click this link: view online. Help fight gun control. Donate to the National Association for Gun Rights! donate
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 17:30:38 +0000

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