Obama Promises To Help Congressional Staffers Avoid - TopicsExpress


Obama Promises To Help Congressional Staffers Avoid Obamacare Washington has been abuzz for months over the fear and loathing that Congressional staffers have for Obamacare. Many staffers and employees on Capitol Hill have been saying they’ll have to quit Washington if they are forced into Obamacare. Now the President is promising to fix it all for them. At the very beginning of his closed-door meeting with Senate Democrats, the President addressed staffers’ worries that Obamacare will force them to quit working in Washington, promising “I’m on it.” Currently congressional staffers have 75 percent of their healthcare insurance paid by taxpayers, but if their Cadillac Congressional healthcare plan is ended and staffers are pushed into Obamacare, many Congressional employees fear that their insurance costs will increase by thousands of dollars a year. This cost, many say, will force them to quit working in Washington. The Republican-sponsored amendment to Obamacare introduced by Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) would require that lawmakers and their staffers must be covered by the same insurance exchanges that the rest of America will be forced into as mandated by Obama’s healthcare law. It is this amendment that staffers are protesting. The Office of Personnel Management has not announced its decision on whether or not it will discontinue the comprehensive Congressional healthcare plan and this uncertainty is driving staffers’ fears. Read more at Breitbart. By Warner Todd Huston. Photo Credit: Fresh Conservative (Creative Commons)
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 02:18:38 +0000

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