Obama Rips American Businesses as ‘Unpatriotic’: Mark - TopicsExpress


Obama Rips American Businesses as ‘Unpatriotic’: Mark Levin’s Response is Classic July 25, 2014 By Matthew Burke As Obama galavants around the country demonizing American businesses as “unpatriotic” for seeking ways to survive America’s onerous tax and regulatory spiderweb, including moving their headquarters overseas if necessary, radio talk show great Mark Levin responded in classic form. Interviewed on “Your World” Thursday on FOX News, host Neil Cavuto introduced Levin as a “constitutional lawyer, expert, historian, best-selling author, radio talk show extraordinaire,” and asked Levin to comment on Obama’s latest initiative to attack free market capitalism. Levin began the segment giving Obama an uppercut, tying in the border crisis and the Obama regime’s open border policy to import thousand of illegal Democrats into the U.S. “Wow, so all of a sudden national sovereignty and borders matter,” Levin responded in a mocking tone. “How about that? I didn’t know it mattered.” Levin, who served in the Reagan administration, said that during that time companies didn’t leave America for socialist, European countries. “He’s [Obama] the problem,” Levin told Cavuto. “He’s creating the economic conditions in this country where some of these companies are moving their headquarters overseas,” Levin contended. “Why doesn’t he create the economic condition where foreign companies move into the United States as they did 30-40 years ago?” Levin asked. In addition to being amazed at Obama’s sudden interest in America’s borders (when it comes to taxing and regulating businesses to death), Levin lambasted America’s first Marxist president as an “economic illiterate” who “doesn’t like capitalism” and who is a “card carrying ideologue for socialism.” “The fact is that he’s an economic illeterate. He doesn’t like capitalism. He’s a card-carrying ideologue for socialism. So we actually have companies moving their headquarters from the United States to the United Kingdom. Did you ever think you’d see that?” Levin continued to give a laundry list (leaving out the IRS) of numerous bureaucracies the Obama regime has “unleashed” on American businesses, pointing out that Obama continues to block the construction of the Key Stone pipeline: “He’s unleashed the EPA, the FDA, the NLRB, the Departmet of Labor, the anti-trust division on America. The Canadians want to build a multi-million dollar pipeline in our country. Who’s stopping them? He’s stopping them!” “He’s the reason businesses are leaving. He’s the reason businesses are leaving the country,” Levin asserted
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 20:20:05 +0000

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