Obama, STOP Being Politically Correct Rachid Rachid, a - TopicsExpress


Obama, STOP Being Politically Correct Rachid Rachid, a former Muslim and the son of a Moroccan imam, has posted a video called “A Message to President Obama From a Former Muslim” in which he attempts to give the President a crash course in Islamic studies. He begins by telling the president that he is wrong when he said that ISIL speaks for no religion. “I can tell you with confidence that ISIL speaks for Islam. ISIL is a Muslim organization.” Brother Rachid tells Obama that ISIL’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, holds a PhD in Islamic studies and, therefore, knows more about Islam than Obama does. There are 10,000 members in ISIL who are all Muslims and come from different countries, with Islam being the common denominator. “They implement Sharia in every piece of land they conquer. They pray five times a day. They have called for a Caliphate which is a central doctrine in Sunni Islam and they are willing to die for their religion.” Brother Rachid explains that in his youth growing up in Morocco, he was trained to hate Israel, the West, and America, which was considered to be the Great Satan. “We have been brainwashed to hate all of you in our sacred texts, in our prayers, in our Friday sermons, in our educational systems. We were ready to join any group that one day would fight you and destroy you and make Islam the religion of the whole world, as the Koran says.” The tutorial continued, with Brother Rachid imploring President Obama to deal with the root of the problem, not just the symptoms–of which ISIL is just one symptom. “Stop being politically correct, to call things by their names: ISIL, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, al-Shabaab in Somalia, the Taliban and their sister brand names are all made in Islam. Until you deal with the root of the problem, you will be just dealing with the symptoms.” The former Muslim-turned-Christian further explained that terrorism begins in the schools and Mosques and must be cut off at the root. “How many Saudi sheiks are preaching hatred? How many Islamic channels are indoctrinating people and teaching them violence from the Koran and the Hadith? How many Friday sermons are made against the West, freedom, and Democracy? How many Islamic schools are producing generations of teachers and students who believe in jihad and martyrdom and fighting the infidels? And finally, how many websites are funded by governments, your allies, that have sheiks who issue fatwas against basic human rights? If you want to fight terrorism, start from there.” A must view and share video: westernjournalism/former-muslim-schools-obama-islam-isil/#lKwY5qcPMy9mrkKj.99
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 03:29:33 +0000

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