Obama and Holder Lied – Cops Died Written by: Erik - TopicsExpress


Obama and Holder Lied – Cops Died Written by: Erik Rush Published on: January 2, 2015 1.3KShare 33Tweet 1 0Reddit 0Email In the ongoing saga of the communist cabal currently driving policy in the White House, we have yet another instance of the most treacherous subversion in high places. Sadly, in this instance, it is costing lives. As reported last week by the Heritage Foundation’s Daily Signal news outlet, there is evidence that the Obama-Eric Holder Department of Justice was involved in funding a “community organization” linked to a controversial rap music video glorifying the murder of New York City police officers. It just so happens that two NYPD police officers were subsequently killed by ambush on Dec. 20. The group, called Bronx Defenders, reportedly received at least $1.5 million in U.S. taxpayer dollars (in grants) from the Department of Justice, and played a prominent role in the cop-killing music video. In the wake of the murders of New York City police officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos (by a self-styled rapper named Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley, no less), pundits began weighing in on a possible connection between the video and the murders. Read more at sonsoflibertymedia/2015/01/obama-holder-lied-cops-died/
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 01:36:37 +0000

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