Obama and Holder are transforming the U.S. into a dhimmi nation: - TopicsExpress


Obama and Holder are transforming the U.S. into a dhimmi nation: one that cowers before Islamic law and demands that its non-Muslim citizens — especially its 240 million Christians — meekly accept their second-class status and never broach the glaringly obvious fact of Islamic violence, even if this means making all non-Muslims less safe. No more instruction about jihad, and Islam is to be considered a race. Robert Spencer was training FBI agents and military personnel, and he was dropped as well. We saw the consequences of this when the clueless politically correct FBI didn’t know how to handle the intel it received from Russia about Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon jihad bomber. That jihad could have been prevented. And more will come — all of which could have been prevented, if the U.S. had not gone down this disastrous road, courtesy of Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder. The bottom line is, no one is safe, trim or no trim.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 09:46:28 +0000

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