Obama approval rating sinks to new low. It seems to me that a lot - TopicsExpress


Obama approval rating sinks to new low. It seems to me that a lot of the problems that Obama has, has to do more with the extreme and obvious effort that the Republican aggressively put forward in undermining him, and spinning things. Most people make up their strong opinions on bits and pieces and then that gets distorted by what they want to be true. But my question is, how is Obama doing in the subconscious mind and the soul of the public? And will the soul and the subconscious have a stronger effect on people when things get beyond bad and desperate? [and from another] politicalticker.blogs.cnn/2013/11/21/obama-approval-rating-sinks-to-new-low-in-cnn-poll/?hpt=hp_t2 [and from another] huffingtonpost/2013/11/21/senate-filibuster_n_4319665.html The filibusters greatest victory had been stalling an anti-lynching law for several decades. The Republican Party, primarily key Republicans in the House and Senate and the Tea Party, have made it a point for several years to try to prevent Obama from having any success in any arena. McConnell, the Senate majority leader, made a public statement at the start of Obama’s first term that this was viewed as his primary mission, to obstruct Obama in every way possible. A dying party, accused of being a party of “old white men” who used to be in power in a nation where white men had the advantage over races of color, and where men had the advantage over the women in the workplace, they rage behind closed doors and plot how obstructionism can win the day. The government shutdown in September was caused by the Tea Party’s attempt to hold the government hostage in order to obstruct Obamacare. This failed, and another weapon in the Republican arsenal, the Senate filibuster, has likewise just been eliminated. Used in the past to delay anti-lynching laws for decades, it had been used to hobble the Obama administration’s ability to appoint judges or executive staff in order to proceed with the workload at hand. For those with a simplistic view of just how much power Obama has, expecting him to paternalistically fix all problems with a top down decree like a benevolent father, Obama’s recent accomplishments look slim. The US public gives Obama credit for ending the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and keeping the US out of another war with Iran. The DOW is now higher than it was before the Bush Wall Street crash in 2008, thus more than a recovery, and the real estate market has now come up for air. But unemployment is still a concern, and those in a leadership position are traditionally blamed. Add to this the silent war that Obama has been fighting, to inform the peoples of the world that Nibiru is present, causing earthquakes and an Earth wobble, and in the future, a terrifying passage. The “old, white men” wanting the cover-up to continue have been more of a nightmare for Obama than the public battles he has endured. The announcement admitting the presence of Nibiru, aka Planet X, is not a popularity contest nor will the many necessary steps Obama and other leaders around the world will be taking be considered in that light. Migration and rioting issues will need to be addressed, and the necessity of moving any of the populace willing to relocate to safer ground will need to be expedited. This will involve legislative changes, close teamwork with regional governments, as well as international cooperation. Something as shallow as a current popularity poll, at the end of the first year in a four year term, is hardly a concern. In a past life, Obama was Lincoln and ensured that the 13th Amendment freeing the slaves was accomplished. This mission in this lifetime is no less momentous.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 19:29:51 +0000

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