Obama…eh, Soetoro…uh Soebarkah…wait a minute, Bounel…no, - TopicsExpress


Obama…eh, Soetoro…uh Soebarkah…wait a minute, Bounel…no, Ludwig What the hell… Whoever you are… For the last five years we have watched as you have shucked and jived, exaggerated, distorted and outright lied about many things of significant importance to the American people. You have interjected yourself in events for the sole purpose of bringing attention TO you, yet feign ignorance of issues that show you are totally clueless as to what it REALLY means to be the leader of the free world. You close the doors of The People’s House to the People, yet continue your lavish partying with “celebrities”. You ignore facts and evidence that run counter to your support for your muslim bretheren, allowing members of that “brotherhood” into highly sensitive positions throughout the government in order to cleanse various departments of all things “anti-muslim”. Your Defense Dept. classifies the actions of a known enemy sympathizer as “workplace violence”, while others such as the DHS, CIA, FBI etc. are characterizing whistleblowers and other patriotic Americans as “terrorists”. We cannot display the Ten Commandments in public spaces, schools no longer allow students to recite The Pledge of Allegiance. Men and women of faith in the military face punishment for exercising their faith, yet muslims are allowed to practice their faith unmolested in schools or wherever they demand. This didn’t start with you, Mr. Transparency, but you have not followed up on any of your promises to curtail the actions of these departments. Instead you allow these things to increase. You bow to foreign leaders, make apologies and excuses. Your foreign policy is a sham, and domestically you and your administration have done nothing but work towards the destruction of our economy, set race relations back 50-60 years, and feverishly work to reshape our education system into one of indoctrination. It is crystal clear that you and your acolytes want the rest of America to be ashamed of our heritage and culture, but I tell you now that what you are doing will not stand. There is a groundswell forming that you and your supporters will not be able to withstand. Your so called domestic army, just as strong as the military, will wither and blow away as so much dust if ever called to act against the American Patriots who choose to stand for our Country and Constitution. The attempts by you, your party and the RINO’s to run roughshod over our founding documents and principles will continue to face mounting resistance, regardless of E.O.’s or other edicts. I shall never kneel before you, nor shall I pray to you. You have no concept of what it really means to be an American, I suggest you learn and act accordingly, or step down before you are forced to do so. With Abundant Resolve Bret W. Bourg Related articles ◾Barack Hussein Obama Promotes Racism (conservativeread) ◾If the Rest of Us Followed What President Barack Hussein Obama Said and Did… (wchildblog) ◾Who Is Supporting This Administration? (thebrennerbrief) ◾White House Jokes About Attacks on Christian Churches in Egypt (conservativebyte) ◾Do Barack Obama’s red lines mean anything? (telegraph.co.uk) ◾American People to Barack Obama on Gun Control: “Our Eyes Are Wide Open!” (freedomoutpost) ◾Dobson: Egypt’s general and Syria’s dictator outplay Barack Obama (newsday) ◾Obama’s involvement with the Muslim Brotherhood and his half brother, explains his Benghazi scandal and attempted cover-up (moralmatters.org) ◾Who is Barack Hussein Obama, or is it Barry Soetoro? By Doug Hagmann. (jericho777.wordpress)
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 03:47:14 +0000

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