Obama is King Leopold II Revisited In Areopagitica , John Milton - TopicsExpress


Obama is King Leopold II Revisited In Areopagitica , John Milton wrote : Let truth and falsehood grapple : who knew the truth , put the worse in a free and open encounter He wrote it in 1644 or as an appeal to the English Parliament to end a political order and tried to bring the whole issue under control by official government censors ( authors submit their work for approval before having it published ) . It is a concise yet controversial parallel to Areopagiticus Isocrates and the story of the Apostle Paul in Athens from Acts 17 : 18-34 . The first refers to the degradation of the judges of the Court of the Areopagus , the highest court in Greece . However , one can also apply this to political tyranny axiologically as well, especially when it comes to facts in the light of political action and mandate. Over the past year , the Obama administration has aggressively increased its foot print militarily in Africa . Under the pretext of fighting for fair neoliberalim to defeat tyranny and kleptocratic rule in the name of democracy , the Obama administration has boldly implemented in a path similar to those observed in the historical past Africa. Especially that of King Leopold II ( 1835-1909 ) . In 1876 , King Leopold II in Belgium held a conference in Brussels, in which he said Western nations should establish a benevolent international commit to the spread of civilization among the peoples of Central Africa ( Congo region ) . Between the years 1878-1884 , which resulted in an eventual Belgian sovereignty in the Congo Basin . Its main aim was to explore the lucrative ivory and rubber in Central Africa . After proclaiming Belgium sovereign rights of the State , and through three successive decrees , Leopold claimed ownership over all unoccupied lands around the Congo territory and reduced rights of the Congolese people in their land to indigenous villages and farms . Its objectives were as colonialist and imperialist those who refused or failed to supply enough rubber had their villages often burned , murdered children, and their hands cut off . Now its 2012 , President Obama is apparently in the same way. It all started in Libya with a false and non-existent to protect the citizens of the oil-rich African nation humanitarian mission . However , resulted in the merciless and brutal overthrow of a government and the death of a leader , Muammar Gaddfi , which was making progress and vowed to create a United States of Africa after his election as president of the African Union . Since then , we see President Obama sending U.S. troops to Africa to help hunt down the leaders of the Lord s Resistance Army in and around Uganda . In his own words , Obama stated : . . I believe that deploying these U.S. armed forces promotes the interests of U.S. national security and foreign policy Being a significant contribution toward counter- LRA efforts in central Africa is ironic Libya, Uganda is sitting on tons of oil. Oil exploration began in the Lake Albert basin northwest of Uganda for almost a decade and according to estimates by the Ministry of Energy, this African country has over two billion barrels of oil . And as I wrote , the billionaire George Soros is a member of its executive board and , personally , just recently recommended the U.S. deploy a special advisory military team to Uganda . Furthermore , in autumn 2009 , the Obama administration announced a tour security package for Mali - worth 4.5000000 to 5.0000000 dollars - that included 37 Land Cruiser pickup trucks , communication equipment , spare parts, clothing and other individual equipment , to improve the capacity of Mali to transport and to communicate with internal security forces throughout the country by controlling its borders . Moreover, its recently passed NDAA contained $ 75 million in U.S. aid to combat in Somalia and arming forces , particularly from Uganda and Burundi , as well as the armies of Djibouti , Kenya and Ethiopia. Over the past weeks , after the coup in the West African country of Mali , it was discovered that the leader Captain Amadou Haya Sanogo , who led a renegade military faction that deposed the democratically elected president of Mali , was in the United States several times to receive professional military education and training. Although the official Obama administration does not support the overthrow of the elected leader earlier and that the U.S. Africa Command suspended military cooperation with Mali , the U.S. military continues to deploy to Mali , in part , a call Care Team joint planning . I can go more , but this is not the case . The aim is to point out , as Milton said that when truth and falsehood do battle , the truth always wins in a free and open encounter. This part of an overall plan hatched by the Obama administration. We know he sent military advisers who are still on the ground in Nigeria and had them there since 2009 . And I find it ironic that our first African American president would be the one , as did Leopold , to establish a permanent military beach head in Africa, the U.S. , to advance an Anglo-American geopolitical agenda long way to Africa . Consultation is it serves our interest ? It is for the benefit of Africa or is to challenge the economic interests of China in Africa ? That is to invigorate the west past concern of raping Africa for its resources to another plutocratic interests ? In the past, there was for human resources , especially for utility mining and slavery today are the natural resources in the name of oil, gold , diamonds , nickel, palladium , copper, zinc , silver, or other ? Im just wondering , since we have the U.S. Special Forces and other troops on the ground in five African nations and that is just on registration . If my assumption is true and the aforementioned is even remotely plausible , then we should prepare for more famine, death , disease and everything invented as a result of wars in the name of benevolence , as suggested by Leopold or national security , as detailed by the President Obama . Simple fact is that you can not have any grace or security when the result is poverty , genocide and morbideza
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 14:37:47 +0000

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