Obama is Racist Not only is he a Muslim sympathizing, - TopicsExpress


Obama is Racist Not only is he a Muslim sympathizing, Socialist, Communist, Leninist and Mom jean wearing Democrat. He’s an uppity, Redistributor of our nation’s wealth. He’s the Food Stamp providing, free stuff giving awayest’ president ever. He’s a feckless cowardly tenant of the white house that doesn’t react quickly and or aggressively enough to any given issue. He’s a tyrant and dictator that doesn’t listen to the will of the people (I know some the labels are at cross meaning. I’m not applying logic - just saying what I heard) . Not only is he having a good time at the expense of the public (as displayed by his many and vast days off while golfing and playing around with Michelle) he’s not attending to the needs of the electorate. He’s got the unmitigated nerve to think he can issue executive orders. He’s the Ebola spreading ISIL creating menace of our democracy and lord knows he’s killed many an American with his unauthorized drone strikes. But now he has earned the most elevated of titles. He is now being called of all things a racist . Now if you know me, and I think you do, you know I don’t buy that tripe. I’m smelling what you’re selling. I ain’t buying it – cause it stinks I’d rather spend the day being civil and open to dialogue than engage in a finger pointing exercise while cowering in a hate filled haze. I’ve met many of my new Facebook friends due to their positive and thoughtful responses to venomous posts. So it is with that spirit that I offer my response to the charge that our 44th President of the United States is a racist. The statements advising that the president is racist are typically made as a point of fact. No proof or reference in their eyes is necessary - just a repeated charge. As if repetition of the claim yields some sort validity. It seems that Pres. Obama has been deemed by them the head of the four horseman of The Apocalypse. His companion riders on his quest to infest and conquer white earth come in the form of Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson and Atty. Gen Eric Holder. Look to any dissident of the Federal government. A Federal mention of, let alone a response to, any racially charged issue - yields a now predictable set of responses. “These guys are opportunists and are baiters.”” Why can’t you see their intent is to divide the nation?” “Why don’t they stop playing the race card and address black on black crime?” “Stop talking about it and it will go away.” “Get over it” or one of my favorites and the specific topic of my comments the oft over used “They’re just racist.” The three get almost as many mentions as the president when it comes to those extolling their extreme disapproval of the meddlesome three. Well, I’m happy to say that exposing oppressive acts by shining a light on those acts doesn’t make you a part of said act. It simply shows that you’re holding the light steady so that all may see Racism as defined by Webster: : Poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race : The belief that some races of people are better than others 1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race 2 : racial prejudice or discrimination — rac•ist n (Concise Encyclopedia) Any action, practice, or belief that reflects the racial worldview—the ideology that humans are divided into separate and exclusive biological entities called “races,” that there is a causal link between inherited physical traits and traits of personality, intellect, morality, and other cultural behavioral features, and that some “races” are innately superior to others. Racism was at the heart of North American SLAVERY and the overseas colonization and empire-building activities of some western Europeans, especially in the 18th century. The idea of RACE was invented to magnify the differences between people of European origin in the U.S. and those of African descent whose ancestors had been brought against their will to function as slaves in the American South. By viewing Africans and their descendants as lesser human beings, the proponents of slavery attempted to justify and maintain this system of exploitation while at the same time portraying the U.S. as a bastion and champion of human freedom, with human rights, democratic institutions, unlimited opportunities, and equality. The contradiction between slavery and the ideology of human equality, accompanying a philosophy of human freedom and dignity, seemed to demand the dehumanization of those enslaved. By the 19th century racism had matured and the idea spread around the world. Racism differs from ethnocentrism in that it is linked to physical and therefore immutable differences among people. Ethnic identity is acquired, and ethnic features are learned forms of behavior. Race, on the other hand, is a form of identity that is perceived as innate and unalterable. In the last half of the 20th century several conflicts around the world were interpreted in racial terms even though their origins were in the ethnic hostilities that have long characterized many human societies (e.g., Arabs and Jews, English and Irish). Racism reflects an acceptance of the deepest forms and degrees of divisiveness and carries the implication that differences among groups are so great that they cannot be transcended. So what Webster indicates is that to be racist one must have the ability to write and exact laws to enforce that belief. Racism is systemic and institutional. People of color in the U.S. are defined as minorities, or African Americans, if you will. We do not have the power to be racist. It by sheer definition is not possible. Now conversely we can be opinionated, exclusive in our club memberships and pro-black all without being racists. The acts may be prejudiced in their origin but not racist. Why you ask? Because none of the aforementioned are supported by law. To enforce any one of these actions against a segment of society based on race is not supported by law and is therefore punishable by law. Now conversely white Americans if you do these same things they are racist. They are racist for the very opposite reason they aren’t when performed by a minority. You have at you avail the government. Yes that very system that some of you hate is ready and able to back your race based acts of exclusivity. If you’re still with me I’m sure some of you are rolling your eyes about that last statement. Well how about a little reference. Heard of the Removal act of 1830. The 1874 act to purchase the Black Hills of South Dakota. The response from the U.s Government to the Indian’s reaction was that of classic racist entitlement. The list of course goes on . Heard about Dred Scott V. Sanford, 3/5 Compromise (some will argue the purpose of this law was to ensure proper counting of populace for constitutional purposes in order to determine the number of congressional seats to be assigned each state.) Yeah, whatever. I call BS on that one. Plessy vs. Ferguson. And the need for Brown v Board of Education to counter that law. Let’s mention the need for The Voting Rights Act and The Civil Rights Act, all to counter institutional racism. Take note of the recent Supreme Court’s decision to basically gut the VRA by removing Section 5. I haven’t even touched the mistreatment of Japanese and Chinese Americans or the Gay and Lesbian populace. But you can rest assured they’ve seen the full force of Government edicts exacted upon them due to their race and or preferences as well. Logic at this point would dictate that if the current occupant of the White House is being considered a racist (for reasons that still escape me) – wouldn’t the same scrutiny apply to its previous occupants. I mean unless the occupant during the aforementioned periods offered a vehement disapproval of the laws was he by proxy a racist? Hmmm. So in a nutshell, not until we as a minority have the full power of government – all three branches mind you- can we come close to being racist. Those same limits apply to the 44th president of these United States (and his fellow horseman). So for the Obama obsessed “Find a new horse to ride. This one is extremely tired.” Come on. Don’t worry about being the target of racist acts. I offer this for more than obvious reasons. The first being establishment will never allow, as long as they live and breathe, all three branches to be controlled by people that don’t look like them. Secondly, we had as a great example Nelson Mandela. He didn’t have laws written and or passed to punish his oppressors. Neither will us. You can count on seeing portions of this post showing up in response to the charges of Obama haters. They’re not coming up with original commentary. On this one Ill match their effort – neither will I.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 21:54:10 +0000

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