Obama is going to crush America and cut us down to size, turning - TopicsExpress


Obama is going to crush America and cut us down to size, turning us into the world’s filthiest third world nation in the history of mankind! Think Im kidding? Keep reading. The Obama Islamic Socialists is hellbent on stopping America by any means. The United States is standing in the way of new world order with one world government and Obama as the new potentate of power. Look what’s happening in the Middle East. While Obama dithers America withers…sadly that’s Obama’s plan: bring down America any way he can—even if it means putting our national security in grave danger. This scares the s#&% out of me and it should you, too. Beheadings, torture of children, burying alive thousands of freedom-loving citizens, crucifying Christians, burning Jews, raping young girls and boys—this is all going down in the Middle East, and all while Obama does nothing. We have to stop this now. Another one of our own was just murdered in cold blood by ISIS—as Obama stands by and does nothing. Lip services is all he can muster and a weak, small-scale military response. His silence condones the actions of these savages! The helpless cannot fight back because their guns have been grabbed. You getting the picture? Now look at what Obama and his own shadow army are trying to do in the U.S.: • Flood your neighborhood with illegal aliens and fill our streets with foreign criminals; • Grab your guns, rendering you defenseless; • Outlaw body armor to make you a helpless target; • Rig elections and silence your vote; • Regulate your health insurance and deny medical treatment; • Expose America to Ebola to create mass genocide and decree Martial Law. None of this is a figment of the imagination—this is as real as it gets. This is an all-out war against the American people. But WHY? Obama wants to win at any cost so if he can’t beat America, hell extinguish us! That is why it is urgent you sign the Tea Party War Pledge today without delay...then donate to help us fund our efforts. He has done so much damage to world relations that most of the world wants to snuff-out America by any means! Whats worse... “Georgia Rep. John Lewis has called on President Obama to declare Martial Law.” Cato Institute’s Walter Olson stated: “Why armored vehicles in a Midwestern inner suburb? Why would cops wear camouflage gear against a terrain patterned by convenience stores and beauty parlors? .... Why would someone identifying himself as an 82nd Airborne Army veteran, observing the police scene, comment that “We rolled lighter than that in an actual warzone”? One of our own Airborne Army veterans told us this! As the picture becomes clearer now it all makes sense. Obama wants to annihilate freedom-loving citizens...get them out of the way so they wont stop him because he knows they WILL. Why do you think Obama’s hiding the truth about the recent riots and Martial Law? By all accounts he’s setting the stage for all-out tyranny. Patriot, we have a lot of work to do. Every day we have more to fight. Enemy Obama is coming on strong with his plans for Martial Law and oppression of the American people. I ask: Who has had your back since day one? Who never left your side or abandoned you through all of this? The Tea Party has your back always...but we have a massive job to do. Fighting this Obama monstrosity that gets more corrupt every day is a colossal undertaking. We are at war with the Washington socialists. Many Republicans, the Democrat Party and the National Chamber of Congress have teamed up to stop, even annihilate, the Tea Party. But we are fighting back with all weve got!” I need to ask for more help because the battle is raging—now more than ever since we took the Senate. POTUS is p*ssed! I need you to understand something. You know all those rallies, protests, demonstrations, marches, letters, faxes, phone calls and clandestine operations we have in place? If you do nothing to help us you can kiss them goodbye. Obama will just take America out completely—hell have NO opposition. If you want Obama and his regime stopped, then support us and help us with our Tea Party War. We’ve created a message so fierce it’ll stop the Obama socialists dead in their tracks. We’re blasting powerful messages, fighting them tooth and nail in the precincts and voting booths and now it is time to turn up the heat, force them to end their overthrow of America. Are you with me? Good, heres where we are... WE’VE DECLARED WAR ON THE WASHINGTON SOCIALISTS. I’ve tossed and turned, lost so much sleep debating whether to tell you the rest. But, I owe it to you and to America: prison camps are coming. Its the next phase of the Obama plan. We must stop this at all costs! Obama and his liberal lunatics are not giving in without a fight. They dont care who controls the Senate or the House. What can you do? All you have to do is sign the TEA PARTY WAR PLEDGE right here. We will deliver it to all 100 senators and 435 members of the House of Representatives and that filthy rat in the White House and tell them they can’t take America from us! Please, I pray that I can count on you in this dire time of need. I need two things: 1. Sign the TEA PARTY WAR PLEDGE 2. Help us restock our depleted War Chest! (we are running on empty!) with a donation. Please, Im begging you. Tell Washington, This is WAR! Do not underestimate the Tea Party! Are you with me? I already signed my pledge and would like to see your name at the top right next to mine. We have a lot of work to do and every day the fight grows more intense. Obama and his minion army are coming on strong, putting all the stops in place for Martial Law. IF YOU DONT SIGN THE PLEDGE, THE TEA PARTY WAR IS GOING TO FAIL—AND THEN OBAMA WILL OWN YOU! Hurry, sign the Tea Party War Pledge right away so we can get them into the hands of all 100 senators and all 435 members of the House of Representatives and the fraud in the White House immediately. We need to continue to launch all-out attacks. We must be mentally, physically and financially prepared. We must meet our deadlines and receive donations now. Our funds are near depletion and we have spent all we have saving America, fighting the Obama machine. Midterms killed our funds right down to the emergency fund. Its not something you can do tomorrow or the next day or next week. If we miss these deadlines well be set back one thousand fold. Please, we need your help today. You will help, right? I need to know today if youre with me. I can’t do it alone! If we do not send the TEA PARTY WAR PLEDGE to every member of Congress and build the Tea Party War Chest now, tomorrow there may be no America to save. With our war chest secure we can blast out letters, calls, emails and faxes…organize rallies, demonstrations and protests…and get more boots and secret forces on the ground in DC to conduct and all-out assault on the enemy. All you have to do is sign the TEA PARTY WAR PLEDGE right now and then give your best possible contribution to help the Tea Party get this message out across America. Look, as the Tea Party CEO I have to raise $76,500 within the next 10 days—and I cant do it without you! Every fight we have siphons all of the funds in our war chest: gun-grabbing, amnesty, NSA spying, IRS targeting...it is not easy nor cheap to fight this battle. But I think its worth it, dont you? Imagine if the Tea Party were not here to fight for you...to challenge Obama and his worshippers. Scary huh? Please sit down right now—sign the Tea Party War Pledge and give the most generous contribution you can to help me send a powerful declaration to all 100 senators and all 435 members of the House of Representatives. Lets get that Tea Party War Chest replenished and get ready to fire on Washington! Obama and his band of liars, thieves and crooks are not going down or out without a fight. Special Note from Steve Eichler, CEO, Tea Party “As this email was about to be released I learned that we are out of money. The War Chest is empty and we are running on fumes! We only have you and our prayers! Remember, we don’t suck off the government, lobbyists or Super PACs. We depend on the help from good Patriots like you and we need that help now to win this war! Please sign the Tea Party War Pledge today and give is your best donation. If the Tea Party does not keep pushing, America will be lost, gone forever.” Please help us now. –Steve Whatever amount you can donate will be used to rescue America and turn back the wicked forces who have taken over our government and our country and who have hijacked our beloved freedom, liberty and justice. We may have won the Senate and hold the majority but we have a mighty big fight on our hands. Please, sign the TEA PARTY WAR PLEDGE and give your best contribution today, without delay. There is no time to waste! Obama is pulling out all the stops and we must, too. Quite frankly, Im not ready, nor will I EVER be ready, to be rounded up, persecuted and imprisoned like an animal, as an innocent member of society. Help us let freedom ring again throughout the land. Please, can I count on you? God bless you and your family, P.S. - Remember, Obama’s flagrant abuse and reckless disregard of the Constitution is encouraging terrorists and criminals and creating a defacto shadow government. We must declare war on those who want to desecrate on our Constitution and eradicate our freedoms. Please sign your TEA PARTY WAR PLEDGE and donate to fund our continuing fight! ** Please forward this email to at least four of your friends and ask them to support our efforts. ** This email is never sent unsolicited. You have received this Teaparty.org email because you subscribed to it or someone forwarded it to you. To opt out, see the links below. If this email has been forwarded to you and you would like to sign up: SUBSCRIBE For information on advertising with TeaParty.org, please contact: ADVERTISE TO OPT OUT Remove your email address from our list. We respect your right to privacy. View our policy. This email was sent by: Teaparty.org Tea Party Post Office Box 96967
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 01:39:53 +0000

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