Obama is just a Bad President From the moment President Obama - TopicsExpress


Obama is just a Bad President From the moment President Obama took office he began to travel down a path that quickly split the parties and over time has created the most partisan government this country has ever seen. With little regard and openly stating to republicans that he did not need their support to get his early agenda passed, Obama proceeded to push a number of very costly and controversial stimulus packages through. The president’s early jobs stimulus package was no more than a ruse to purchase green companies in support of his Green Dream. All that was gained from this stimulus was the knowledge that the Federal Government is not qualified to act as venture capitalists as nearly every company purchased through the stimulus (taxpayers) money went belly up. If in fact all the companies purchase had prospered however, the jobs stimulus would still have been far from a success stories as the number of jobs that would have been created as a result would have been virtually immeasurable. The selection of companies purchased by the taxpayer’s dollar was 100% Green Energy agenda driven with no regard to real jobs creation and highly controversial in the sense that it sidestepped competition. The first economic stimulus packaged carried a taxpayer paid price tag of nearly $900 billion dollars and failed to do anything in the way of stimulating the economy and also failed in producing any real green energy gains, as was the president’s real intention. The failure to create new jobs and bolster the economy has plagued Obama his entire time in office. Economic stagnation has gone on so long that he himself has had to quit blaming Bush yet he still refuses to take any responsibility for five and a half years of stagnation. And while Obama is insistent that this failure of growth is due to republicans blocking additional stimulus (they don’t use the term “stimulus” for all the money the Fed is printing and injecting into the economy each month) which he claims was so successful back in 2009, the fact of the matter is that nearly 75% of the NABE members polled agreed that the 2009 stimulus had no impact on job growth. Even the CBO indicated that the jobs gained over the period after the 2009 stimulus could not be tied to the stimulus itself. These are facts that are conveniently left out each time Obama repeats the false success of his 2009 jobs stimulus package. But there is some good news on the job front, if you can call it that. At the current rate of job growth, the approximate 8.3 million jobs were lost as a result of the great recession will be recovered in roughly one year from now. Sadly, this also makes the recession by far the slowest to recover in history. And let’s not forget that each month we add 120,000-160,000 new people to the labor force so we are nowhere near in a good place in regards to post-recession jobs creation in fact the best description of the administration’s ability to create new jobs would be to call it an utter and complete failure. Another first in history is the failure of the economy (and jobs) to make a strong post-recession bounce back as has been the case in every other recession in history. An unusual phenomenon occurred last month where there was a gain in the jobs numbers yet the economy slipped backwards just a bit. How could this be? The answer is simple, two thirds of those new jobs were part time and low paying jobs which sadly is a growing trend in the US job market. Even apparent success is met with failure in this administration. Of course federally subsidized food programs (food stamps) are always a hot topic when it comes to addressing the failures of the Obama administration and rightly so. With an increase in enrollment quickly approaching 100% since Obama took office, roughly 50 million people are now receiving some type of food subsidizes at the cost of $80 billion per year. Do any of us really believe that the number of people in need of food stamps has double since Obama took office and if in fact it did then that speaks volumes to the failure of his administration for sure? The ease at which this president gives away taxpayer money to mostly those who do not pay taxes is utterly amazing. But it’s not all bad news for Obama, he does have some significant accomplishments to boast about during his terms as president like adding over 100,000 jobs to the tax funded federal employee roles and creating over 1.1 million new millionaires. That’s right, new millionaires are being created at a historic rate due to Obama’s economic policies and at the same time the middle class is falling into poverty at an even greater rate, expanding the divide between classes, the exact gap that the Obama vowed he would close and the gap will continue to widen for as long as the economy remains poor. By creating uncertainty in both new business and business growth, largely in part due to ObamaCare, the president has driven droves of would be business investors to the stock market. And as lower wages and higher costs continue to plague the struggling middle class, more and more have had to turn to bargain shopping as is apparent by the recent surge of 99 cent type bargain stores opening over the past several years, stores whose shelves are filled with low cost good produced outside the United States. Much of the struggling middle class has also moved away from shopping at union employed grocery chains and are now taking advantage of the lower cost Food 4 Less type grocers to help stretch a dollar. It’s a downward spiral that will not end until the middle class financial situation improves. Polls are a pretty good indicator of what is going on as a whole. I follow the Rasmussen Reports pretty close and their polling numbers tell a very clear tale. On the whole, Obama’s job approval rating always hovers right around 48-49% (45% this past week) however, all the specific performance polls indicate his policies are a complete failure. How can this be? Well it can’t be and the story the polling number really tells is that the American people in general are deeply displeased with the performance of this administration yet roughly half still hold a blind allegiance to President Obama. Sadly, this is how the nation voted in the last election. And now we have Syria, just another on a long list of Obama’s foreign policy failures. Much of the foreign policy failures might be attributed to a less than effective former Secretary of State but in all fairness she likely never had any real clear marching orders from the looks of things. Foreign policy and world history is certainly have not proven to be one of Obama’s strong suits. We have is a president that really does not seem to have much in the way of firm policies, I’m not even sure he has really thought much through other than some very basic ideas on giving a small percentage of Americans healthcare and trying to strip the wealth away from the wealthy and even those ideas were not thought out too well as we have learned. As a result of having no real plan or policy, he constantly contradicts himself and flip flops on issues. So, how did we get into this mess? Well, for those of you that voted for Obama, did you honestly think you were going to get anything better from a far left leaning Jr. Senator whose shinning accomplishment on his resume was being a Community Organizer? Obama seems to have a heartfelt belief (some call it arrogance) that he “knows better” of what is best for American’s then they do themselves, a belief of his likely stems from these early Chicago community organizer days where this was probably true. Unfortunately for Obama, those communities he used to organize are not representative of probably 80% of Americans who are more than capable of thinking and making the right decisions for themselves, an ideal that simply does not factor into Obama’s way of thinking. For those that voted for President Obama, many of you twice, you got what you voted for but sadly all have to pay the price.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 16:35:51 +0000

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