Obama is not the Antichrist! - The Antichrist is a Prince Daniel - TopicsExpress


Obama is not the Antichrist! - The Antichrist is a Prince Daniel 7:8 By Craig C. White US President Barack Obama is not the Antichrist, but he may play a role in end time prophecy. The Antichrist is not a president or primary leader. He is a secondary leader that will ultimately become the head of the final gentile world empire. The Antichrist is actually a prince or governor. He will become king of the final gentile world empire; otherwise known as the “New World Order”. The New World Order is a world government that covers the territories of the ancient Roman Empire. A prince is also called a “little horn” in the bible. The Antichrist is called a “little horn” in Daniel 7:8. Dan 7:8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. Horns commonly represent kings in bible prophecy. The “little horn” is a secondary leader, for instance a prince, vice-president, or governor. The term “little horn” is applied to Antiochus Epiphanies in Daniel 8:9. “Antiochus Epiphanies” was the son of “Antiochus the Great” the king of the Seleucid dynasty (1/4 of the Grecian empire, headquartered in Syria). Antiochus Epiphanies was initially a prince in the Seleucid dynasty until he manipulated his way onto the throne. This “little horn” will evidently take away or usurp the authority of three of the first ten kings of the world empire. This “little horn” has a “mouth speaking great things”. He blasphemes God, “showing himself that he is God” (Daniel 11:36-37). This little horn is obviously the Antichrist (1 John 2:18). By the way, the Antichrist will do many of the same things that Antiochus Epiphanies did. Jesus returns to the earth in fury at the end of the Great Tribulation. He dismantles the New World Order and tosses the Antichrist into the “lake of fire”. The Antichrist will be the first resident of the “lake of fire”, along with the “false prophet” (Rev 19:20). I think that according to Daniel 7:4 a US leader will participate in the creation of the final gentile world empire or “New World Order” but only as an adjunct member. This US leader may be President Barack Obama, or perhaps Mr. Obama will play a different role. It may be that Barack Obama will be one of four primary “Kings” that create the “New World Order” but not as US President! U.S. President Barack Obama is pushing to create a confederacy of United Central Asian nations! This may be the leopard described in Daniel 7. Dan 7:6 After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it. Current world events regarding this verse compelled me to write my commentary titled “The Leopard is Upon Us!” I believe that the leopard is indeed upon us. According to my interpretation, the beasts in Daniel 7 are nations or more accurately Unions. Currently no nations are clearly symbolized by the leopard. However, a new world entity is about to be created that could be symbolized by the leopard. US President Barack Obama is spearheading an effort to form a confederacy of four nations: Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, and Turkmenistan (please note that the leopard has four heads). I think that the four wings represent four secondary members of this Union. I would include Iran and Iraq among them. There are several reasons for doing this, not the least of which is that Turkmenistan wants to build the world’s largest natural gas pipeline to the Arabian Sea. The beginnings of this confederacy already exist. It is called TAPI (Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India). This confederacy centers on The Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline. Leopards are common throughout this region. These nations identify with leopards. They have named mountain ranges and former leaders after them. If you will remember that former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf was served an arrest warrant for the Benazir Bhutto assassination. Musharraf fled Pakistan and was exile in London and Dubai. He was never tried. He is now back in Pakistan awaiting trial. Well former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has gleefully expressed his desire to have US President Barrack Obama as their “Supreme Leader”. It is interesting to note that the Pakistani leadership is in the market for a Supreme Leader; considering this is a newly created position. Keep a look out to see if this Central Asian Union is clearly and openly represented by a leopard. The formation of this “leopard” would be a confirmation of this interpretation, and a present time fulfillment of God’s sure word. It would also be a major milestone in the end time timeline. We should be awake and watch. US President Barack Obama may not be the Antichrist but he is certainly dedicated to creating the final gentile world empire or “New World Order”. I would say that it is his highest priority. He has sent US troops to Afghanistan to attempt to stabilize the region for the creation of the Central Asian Union. Mr. Obama is working incessantly to give the Muslim Brotherhood control all over the Middle East. US President Barack Obama has demonstrated his obvious support for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt by sending them F-16s and 200 Abrams tanks. The US is supporting the Muslim Brotherhood backed rebels in Syria, and also acted swiftly to overthrow the Libyan government. Remember that a unified Middle East is another cog in the New World Order. Barack Obama will participate in creating the New World Order but it may not be as US President. Mr. Obama may be reassigned to Pakistan to play the role of the Leopard King! Welcome to 2014. Bible prophecy is unfolding everywhere. The heathen are raging in the Middle East. Egyptian is fighting Egyptian. Christians are being killed and tormented more than ever. The New World Order is old news. An international security agreement and Palestinian state are being forged for the nation of Israel. All of these events have been foretold in bible prophecy. My new eBook Bible Prophecy 2014-2015 tells us what to expect in the coming two years! amazon/dp/B00GHT90DQ Photo credit: Michael Verdi flickr
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 16:35:06 +0000

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