Obama is trying to stop the Genocide of the Yezidis. THANK YOU - TopicsExpress


Obama is trying to stop the Genocide of the Yezidis. THANK YOU PRESIDENT OBAMA, for realizing, among all the madness of the world, that ISIS/ISIL is conducting Genocide... usually this goes UNDER the radar (Read: Armenia, Cambodia, Rwanda, Sudan) but I am happy that this time something is being done. They Yezidi people, (an ancient pagan tribe, which is equal parts Kurd/Armenoid and takes bits and pieces of their religion from ancient Hurrian religion and Zoroastrianism, and even Christianity and Islam,) is facing horrifying times right now...My Armenian brothers and sisters from Yerevan know these people very well... the Armenian people took the Yezidis in when they were suffering from the Turks, Kurds and Iraqis back in the early to mid 20th century. These are our brothers and sisters. We share blood with these people, and MUST help however we can. In addition, Armenians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Kurds, Syriacs, Turkomans and other ethnic and religious minorities are being forced from their homes, forcibly converted, murdered, enslaved, raped, crucified, and tortured by the ISIS monsters. Included among these are basically the indigenous substratum of Mesopotamia. And in addition to losing the indigenous people of the land, we are losing the VASTLY important archaeological, artistic, historic aspects of the land. ISIS has bombed even their own Sunni mosques, including the mosque of Nebi Yunes, which is SO important to historiography (Goes back to Jonas/Jonah and the whale, as well as even further back to the Pagan fish god OANNES) This place housed the bones of the very large fish that used to swim in the Tigris as late as the mid twentieth century but have since been fished to extinction. It was these bones that were the impetus for the story of the giant fish/whale etc. More importantly, it was an important research ground for archaeologists, and one of the places that Pagans, Christians and Muslims alike all had interest and shared pilgrimage to. Armenian churches and Assyrian Churches have been bombed, desecrated and turned into headquarters for these murderous thugs. THANK YOU PRESIDENT OBAMA FOR TAKING THE INITIATIVE. PLEASE ALL SUPPORTERS OF THE PRESIDENT, HE NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT NOW MORE THAN EVER, please donate to societies and relief groups that are helping these beleaguered people, and HATERS of Obama, PLEASE realize that in THIS case, you would be wholly taking the WRONG side by wanting to stop aid to these amazing, beautiful, peaceful people, whose ancestors brought us SO MANY THINGS IN THIS WORLD THAT WE WOULD NOT BE THE SAME WITHOUT THEM. Thank you.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 13:29:13 +0000

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