Obama on 4th of July: ‘‘I can’t believe I have to miss a - TopicsExpress


Obama on 4th of July: ‘‘I can’t believe I have to miss a good day of golf for this crap!’’ and “God, this holiday sucks! All this national pride shit get’s on my nerves.” by Michael Madshack, DP Assistant Editor Thursday, July 4th, 2013, (WASHINGTON) — A “hot mic” has apparently picked up some very unflattering words from President Obama this Fourth of July, and may plunge him deeper into some very hot water. “Hot” or “open mics” frequently catch public figures unknowingly expressing their true feelings, usually with colorful language (prime example: in 2000, then presidential candidate George W. Bush was caught complaining to vice-presidential candidate Dick Cheney that a reporter covering their campaign was a “major league asshole”). However Obama’s “slip” while exiting the balcony of the White House after his fifth Independence Day address may well exceed the average “hot mic faux pas.” The smaller of Obama’s two microphones, which was clipped inches below Obama’s shirt collar, was supposed to have been turned off immediately after his closing remarks to guests and reporters on the White House lawn. But the microphone remained “hot,” catching the President muttering: “God, this holiday sucks! All this national pride shit get’s on my nerves.” Obama’s candid comments are sure to further drag down his approval ratings, as recent scandals involving the IRS, the Benghazi terrorist attacks, and massive spying on average citizens by the NSA have sunk Obama’s approval numbers below that of former president George W. Bush. It took Obama thirty seconds before he completely exited the White House balcony and removed his microphone, during which it picked up more utterances by the Commander-in-Chief, none of which pundits view will help his ratings any time soon. “You’d think we’d stop celebrating the birth of the worst imperial power in history –but nooooo…we have to do this flag-waving bullshit every year,” Obama muttered more as he made his way from the podium. “I can’t believe I have to miss a good day of golf for this crap!” Although Obama’s presumably inaudible words were not heard nearly as loudly as his official Independence Day speech, a few reporters and attendees close to the speakers beneath the White House balcony heard him distinctly. Obama tacked on a couple more self-pitying quips before removing his clip-on mic, “…Could have been at Oakmont with Jay-Z now trying out that new Callaway set Alec (Baldwin) gave me last year! Damn this day sucks!” Reporters, Americans React to Obama’s “Hot Mic” Faux Pas “This was definitely the worst ‘hot mic’ incident I’ve ever heard,” said reporter Dave Boyer of the Washington Times. “I’ve heard a lot of politicians say candid things when they’ve thought no one was listening, but this takes the cake. (Obama’s) comments were very insulting and shocking.” IT IS PAST TIME TO IMPEACH THIS TRAITOROUS PIECE-OF-SH*T PRESIDENT! RIGHT NOW IS NOT SOON ENOUGH! HE IS AN ENEMY INFILTRATOR WHO HATES THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE AND OUR FREEDOMS! HE IS LOADING UP OUR GOVERNMENT WITH ENEMY AGENTS FROM THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD AND IMPORTING MUSLIMS BY THE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS! HE WANTS AMERICA TO COME UNDER RUTHLESS AND MURDEROUS SHARIA LAW! HE IS VILE GARBAGE ON TWO FEET, A SLIME BUCKET OF FILTH AND STINK. IMPEACH THIS PIG NOW! - See more at: theconservativespeaker/wordpress/?tag=obama-all-this-national-pride-st-gets-on-my-nerves#sthash.XXDSZiUM.dpuf theconservativespeaker/wordpress/?tag=obama-all-this-national-pride-st-gets-on-my-ner theconservativespeaker
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 18:01:27 +0000

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