Obama, quoting other presidents does not somehow qualify you to - TopicsExpress


Obama, quoting other presidents does not somehow qualify you to say you can fill their shoes or even prove to us that you have the wherewithal to be considered an American president; the fact is you have never proven to any of us that you are capable, credible, or even American... You have failed miserably at the things you promised, although most of us are well aware that failure was your intention from the beginning. Somehow, youve been able to bluff your way into a second term - that somehow being the most fraud America has ever seen; even for politics that was one helluva smoke and mirrors display... Yesss, we know what you are, why you are, and who you are...and unlike your audience in Cairo, in 2009, you cannot utter sweet words in Arabic and tug at our heartstrings and make us believe that you are one of us... The jig is up, so to speak, and its time for you to back down, pack up, and go home - wherever home for you may be. So, while we are re-grouping and getting our second wind, I would strongly urge you and whomever is with you to kindly remove yourselves from our nations capitol since you are not welcome - youve never been approved by those of us who matter the most; WE, the People, of the United States of America...of which you do NOT BELONG, since you have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that you have absolutely no clue what it takes to be one of us; you do not share the cultural upbringing as any of us who have lived our lives here, with our families. You do not understand what it means to any of us to succeed in our dreams or even to make our dreams come true...youve only had everything given to you all your life, therefore you cannot comprehend the very basis of the foundations that this great nation was built upon - no idea whatsoever of the very feeling of pride that one gets when one by one, the rites of passage are experienced by each one of us and then to have our eyes well up with tears from the mere action of participating in life in this great country and seeing things come full circle...in other words, watching our families grow and expand, and learn the same things we learned about America and how she almost didnt happen, but by the Grace of G-d, and the desire of as many men and women who could fight for her, and drawing their last ounces of strength and possibly their last breaths, gave everything they had to make this dream come true. And to use one of your own phrases - considering how narcissists absolutely despise their own words being thrown back into their faces, or used against them, I am more than happy to shove this into your face since you have taken such pleasure at shoving things into ours for so long; Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones weve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. Frankly, I could not have said it better!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 04:29:42 +0000

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