Obama speech on Russia is full of LIES! - Manuel Ochsenreiter, - TopicsExpress


Obama speech on Russia is full of LIES! - Manuel Ochsenreiter, the chief editor of Zuerst, Berlin. Press TV has conducted an interview with Manuel Ochsenreiter, the chief editor of Zuerst, in Berlin, about the crisis in Ukraine. The following is an approximate transcript of the interview. Press TV: Short of an attack no Russia, condemning Russia in its actions, #Obama saying this actually threatens a post-war order. Ochsenreiter: It is like sitting in a time machine and going back to the Cold War era. We can remember this as speeches used by Ronald Reagan against the Soviet Union. What we witnessed today was a pathetic and desperate attempt of Barack Obama and the United States of America to regain what we could call a ‘world leader role.’ His attacks against #Russia should be analyzed because they include a lot of unconfirmed information and we could even say a lot of war lies. Accusing Russia of going into Ukraine; that there is a sort of military activity of Russia in Ukraine sending its army, by doing a sort of invasion against Ukraine. There is nothing confirmed about that. You can have this opinion if you look at Western mainstream channels, but it has nothing to do with the situation on the ground. The contradiction is the truth. The contradiction is that the US and also the European Union have been meddling in #Ukraine for many years. It didn’t start last year with the protests. The West was sending NGOs, so-called soft power, into Ukraine to meddle there to prepare what we saw in the Meidan. And the people in Ukraine were not confident with the new order, which brought a lot of ultra-liberal criminal oligarchs and also fanatics coming from all over Europe into power in Kiev. And the people didn’t support that. You cannot blame them for this. Obama is playing the blame game in the UN Assembly trying to put the blame on Russia... when he should put the blame on the US... Russia didn’t start this conflict. See video here: presstv/detail/2014/09/25/379953/obama-speech-on-russia-full-of-lies/ #SaveDonbassPeopleFromUkrArmy #SaveDonbassPeopleFromUkrainianArmy #SaveDonbassPeople #StopUkrainianArmy #DonbassAgainstNazi #UkrainianCrisis #UkraineCrisis #Ukraineviolatedceasefire
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 12:51:55 +0000

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