Obama supporters, If you havent research Obama dont stick up for - TopicsExpress


Obama supporters, If you havent research Obama dont stick up for him. He kills innocent civilians and kids over seas then brags about it to his staff, signed the NDAA, took over all American resources, including your car, what food you have in your house, he continues to allow the federal reserve send America further into debt slavery instead of having America print its own money as it should, he spies on all Americans emails and phone calls, he promised people could keep their insurance with Obamacare which was a flat out lie he read straight off his teleprompter several times. He promised to bring our troops home and didnt, he promised to shut down Guantanamo bay and instead he had it remodeled at the expense of the tax payers and now with the NDAA any American can be held there with out any due process or even told why they are being held for an indefinite amount of time, he allowed the patriot act to continue, hes tried to shut down the internet several times, he lied about being an American citizen, lied about his birth certificate, Obama and his wife both had their law licenses taken away and disbarred for extortion 6 years or so before he was chosen by the elites to be president to rally the people for war under his color, he has refused to tell people the truth of 9/11, he said the gov has never found any evidence of extra terrestrial life which 99.99% of people know is a lie, He lied about Benghazi, he lied about fast and furious, he lied about Libya, he IS lying about Syria while funding terrorists over seas, the same terrorists our soldiers are fighting, he WILL lie about Iran. He wants drones flying over U.S. soil turning our neighborhoods into a war zone, he allows TSA to violate our rights daily, he allows constant false flags that attack our 2nd amendment and constitution, Hes created his own Third Reich personal army just like hitler did called the DHS, he has lied about the fema camps and refusing to tell the truth of why DHS is buying up all the ammo while hes forcings the last of U.S. ammo manufacturers to shut down. on top of all that last Friday he signed a new executive order giving himself unlimited power essentially becoming our new dictator....so please... if you havent researched him...dont stick up for him. - Colton Bach-
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 20:23:19 +0000

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