Obama: the Islamists they are normalcy?!?!. BREAKING - TopicsExpress


Obama: the Islamists they are normalcy?!?!. BREAKING NEWS!!>>>>MUST SEE VIDEO!!>>>> THE FRIEND OF OBAMA=The Muslim Brotherhood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obama: the Islamists they are normalcy?!. #Obama: You have to learn to walk on two legs, you a danger to the public. May 2014 Breaking News Terrorist Expert explains Muslim Brotherhoods plans to dominate world - Last Days Final Hour News Prophecy Update MUST SEE VIDEO wont see this in mainstream media a total COVER UP - Keep in Mind as you learn about Muslim Brotherhood let it be known they are on staff in the Barack Obama Administration this has implications affecting everybody on planet earth because the USA acts and enforces as the Global Police Worldwide Muslim Brotherhood project -- Mission - To produce an official documented plan on global Islamic policy Sharia Law courts already in Western Countries now in #United_Kingdom and process taken place in the #USA - Florida and Michigan. The Project document was recovered in a raid by #Swiss / #Switzerland authorities in November 2001, two months after the horror of 9/11. Since that time information about this document, known in counterterrorism circles as The Project, and discussion regarding its content has been limited to the top-secret world of Western intelligence communities. (The Conquest of the West: The Islamists Secret Project), has information regarding The Project finally been made public. One Western official cited by Besson has described The Project as a totalitarian ideology of infiltration which represents, in the end, the greatest danger for European societies. What Western intelligence authorities know about The Project begins with the raid of a luxurious villa in Campione, Switzerland on November 7, 2001. The target of the raid was Youssef Nada, director of the Al-Taqwa Bank of Lugano, who has had active association with the Muslim Brotherhood for more than 50 years and who admitted to being one of the organizations international leaders. The Muslim Brotherhood, regarded as the oldest and one of the most important Islamist movements in the world, was founded by Hasan al-Banna in 1928 and dedicated to the credo, Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Quran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. The raid was conducted by Swiss law enforcement at the request of the #White_House in the initial crackdown on terrorist finances in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. #US and Swiss investigators had been looking at #Al_Taqwas involvement in money laundering and funding a wide range of Islamic terrorist groups, including #Al_Qaeda, HAMAS (the Palestinian affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood), the #Algerian #GIA, and the #Tunisian Ennahdah. At present, most of what is publicly known about The Project is the result of Sylvain Bessons investigative work, including his book and a related article published last October in the Swiss daily, Le Temps, Lislamisme à la conquête du monde (Islamism and the Conquest of the World), profiling his book, which is only available in a #French-language edition. At least one Egyptian newspaper, #Al_Mussawar, published the entire Arabic text of The Project last November. In the English-language press, the attention paid to Bessons revelation of The Project has been almost non-existent. The only mention found in a mainstream media publication in the US has been as a secondary item in an article in the Weekly Standard (February 20, 2006) by Olivier Guitta, The Cartoon Jihad. The lack of public discussion about The Project notwithstanding, the document and the plan it outlines has been the subject of considerable discussion amongst the Western intelligence agencies. The Project was part of the charter of the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was official established on July 29, 1982. It reflects a vast plan which was revived in the 1960s, with the immigration of Brotherhood intellectuals, principally #Syria n and #Egypt ians, into Europe. What is startling is how effectively the Islamist plan for conquest outlined in The Project has been implemented by Muslims in the West for more than two decades. Equally troubling is the ideology that lies behind the plan: inciting hatred and violence against Jewish populations around the world and the acceptance of terrorism as a legitimate option for achieving their ends and the inevitable reality of jihad against non-Muslims; and its ultimate goal of forcibly instituting the Islamic rule of the caliphate by sharia in the West, and eventually the whole world. Over the past quarter of a century seen in #Europe and the US is any indication, the Islamic researchers who drafted The Project more than two decades ago see their long-term plan to conquer the West and to see the Green flag of Islam raised over its citizens realized so rapidly, efficiently and completely. If Islamists are equally successful in the years to come, Westerners ought to enjoy their personal and political freedoms while they last. Learn Obama: youre under arrest!! youre under arrest, a police patrol car coming your way!! We committed to degrade and destroy the #Islamic_Jihad & #Radical_Islam[#Muslim_Brotherhood] #Hamas, #Palestine[#Palestine_illusion]they are Is similar to virus bloodthirsty . #Islam & #Sharia Law & #Muslims & Islamic #Jihad & the #Calipha] *☣*☣*☣*☣*☣* #Flika_Li_Milki Share your friend {♛#Israel & #Jews♛} *watch☣enjoy☣follow* Please,Copy/Paste https://youtube/watch?v=R2ZuFCMn3Qo There will not be anyone in the world who did not know about as a subcontractor Of *Satan*!. I beg you, please share.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 15:10:32 +0000

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