Obama, the worlds most popular terrorist re invades Iraq... but, - TopicsExpress


Obama, the worlds most popular terrorist re invades Iraq... but, in order to cover his own ass, he makes a tiny story of a black kid getting shot by a cop worldwide news! Seriously!? Wtf!? You think any of us care about some hoodrat fella that didnt listen to police orders? Or do we care more about the thousands SORRY, MILLIONS, that obama and bush have ALREADY ORDERED TO THE GRAVE in Iraq? And care even MORESO for the people he is about to MURDER again, in the name of oil n gas!? Sickening.... yeah, let him race bait you all into a frenzy! While u fight it out... he is busy murdering children again.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 08:01:27 +0000

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