ObamaCare Lite: So, we returned from our Florida adventure to - TopicsExpress


ObamaCare Lite: So, we returned from our Florida adventure to discover we had no Weather Channel, (and others), on our Time Warner account. The on screen message advised us we have to go digital to receive content. (Sorta like ObamaCare) I make the call, discover I have to install a box on every tv in the house to receive the broadcast. This is because of a federal ruling, (Sorta like ObamaCare). Off I go to TW to get the required equipment which will cost me $1.50 per tv for the next year, when the rates will go up. But I was assured TW was doing me a great favor, they were supposed to do this a long time ago. (Sorta like ObamaCare) I install the equipment and alas it will not program, I call the customer service phone, spend 2 hours with them, they still dont work. (Sorta like ObamaCare) I am told a service technician will be at my house at a later date, never was told when. Technician comes by, (nice guy, known him for years), he isnt interested in my tale of woe, hes already heard it hundreds of times before, tells me again just how lucky I am it didnt happen sooner. (Sorta like ObamaCare) Now I am paying for a system forced on me by the government and TW, that I did not desire, and I had no notification it was coming. (Sorta like ObamaCare) But unlike ObamaCare, I still do have options. uVerse from ATT will be out on December 2nd to install. At least they told me up front the requirements and the costs. (Unlike ObamaCare) So there ....
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 11:55:41 +0000

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