ObamaCare as Schrodingers Cat. Sit back, with a cup of coffee or - TopicsExpress


ObamaCare as Schrodingers Cat. Sit back, with a cup of coffee or a cold drink, put your feet up, and let me explain: Schrodingers Cat: No doubt one of the strangest phenomenon of Quantum Mechanics is the scientifically observable fact that tiny particles of matter (electrons for instance) exist as both wave forms and discrete particles...at the same time. Even stranger, the reality of either state remains undefined or indeterminate...until the particle is measured or simply observed. One unnerving consequence of this fact is that, until a measurement (or observation) is made, the particle essentially exists in all knowable positions at the same time, regardless of distance! At the instant measurement or observation takes place, the quantum superposition state of the particle collapses and becomes localized, or observable as Either a wave form or a particle form. It is the measurement or observation by a consciousness that causes the collapse. In other words, consciousness (mine and yours) is constantly and automatically creating the reality that we perceive; We create our own reality. In the absence of such observation or measurement by a conscious entity, everything in the universe remains in a superposition state and, for all intents and purposes...does not exist. This paradox was established in the form of the Schrodingers Cat Thought Experiment by Irwin Schrodinger around 1926. This is a hypothetical experiment in which a cat is confined within a box, with some equipment which releases poisonous gas on detection of beta particles emitted by a radioactive source. Since beta emission is random by nature, there is no way of knowing when or if the cat is deceased, until the box is opened and an observation made. Until we look inside, according to quantum theory, the cat is both dead and alive at the same time, the reality determined upon observation! This is the fundamental paradox presented by the theory and a simple way of illustrating the way quantum mechanics forces us to think about matter, consciousness, and the universe, and the interaction thereof. Until the position of a particle is measured, it exists in all positions (or states) at the same time, just as the cat is both dead and alive. Which is just another way of saying that, as consciousness perceives, it causes the universal superposition state of all known matter to collapse into the reality that we know. Parapsychologists have stated for decades that we create our own reality, and that the future is plastic because it is made up of an infinite number of probabilities...until consciousness Chooses....then that reality becomes real to the consciousness doing the observing. For decades now science has agreed with them...and even has observable, repeatable experiments to prove it on the subatomic level. Einstein famously referred to this phenomenon as spooky action at a distance, and he was never completely comfortable with the concept. However, he was also the one who first proposed what he called photons to explain the wave-form/particle paradox by theorizing the physics of photons of light, and their quantum states. So, look around you. What you see is only real because you have observed it and collapsed it into reality. Just another reason that one can rather confidently theorize that once our consciousness leaves our physical body, it reverts to a quantum state that, at least in theory, would explain many things, such as psychic phenomena, telepathy, and the survival of our consciousness and personality after physical death. Soooo....how does all this relate to ObamaCare...? Well, and I quote Pelosi...We have to pass it (the Affordable Care Act) to see whats in it. From a quantum perspective, we have now observed and measured whats in it, we have opened the box containing the Cat, so to speak...and collapsed the superposition state of ObamaCare into reality. And, like the possibility of observing a dead Cat...we dont like what we see.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 03:49:57 +0000

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