Obamacare Vote Results There were 25 Republicans who voted for - TopicsExpress


Obamacare Vote Results There were 25 Republicans who voted for "cloture" to give the Democrats the power to fund Obamacare. These Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell (R-KY), are responsible for funding the implementation of the law. RED = Voted FOR Obamacare GREEN = Voted AGAINST Obamacare STATE SENATOR PHONE CONTACT CLOTURE TO FUND OBAMACARE AK Murkowski, Lisa 202-224-6665 Yes AL Sessions, Jeff 202-224-4124 No AL Shelby, Richard 202-224-5744 No AR Boozman, John 202-224-4843 Yes AZ Flake, Jeff 202-224-4521 AZ McCain, John 202-224-2235 Yes FL Rubio, Marco 202-224-3041 No GA Chambliss, Saxby 202-224-3521 Yes GA Isakson, Johnny 202-224-3643 Yes IA Grassley, Chuck 202-224-3744 No ID Crapo, Mike 202-224-6142 No ID Risch, Jim 202-224-2752 No IL Kirk, Mark 202-224-2854 Yes IN Coats, Dan 202-224-5623 Yes KS Moran, Jerry 202-224-6521 No KS Roberts, Pat 202-224-4774 No KY McConnell, Mitch 202-224-2541 Yes KY Paul, Rand 202-224-4343 No LA Vitter, David 202-224-4623 No ME Collins, Susan 202-224-2523 Yes MO Blunt, Roy 202-224-5721 Yes MS Cochran, Thad 202-224-5054 Yes MS Wicker, Roger 202-224-6253 Yes NC Burr, Richard 202-224-3154 Yes ND Hoeven, John 202-224-2551 Yes NE Fischer, Deb 202-224-6551 No NE Johanns, Mike 202-224-4224 Yes NH Ayotte, Kelly 202-224-3324 Yes NJ Chiesa, Jeff 202-224-3224 Yes NV Heller, Dean 202-224-6244 No OH Portman, Rob 202-224-3353 No OK Coburn, Tom 202-224-5754 Yes OK Inhofe, Jim 202-224-4721 No PA Toomey, Pat 202-224-4254 No SC Graham, Lindsey 202-224-5972 Yes SC Scott, Tim 202-224-6121 No SD Thune, John 202-224-2321 Yes TN Alexander, Lamar 202-224-4944 Yes TN Corker, Bob 202-224-3344 Yes TX Cornyn, John 202-224-2934 Yes TX Cruz, Ted 202-224-5922 No UT Hatch, Orrin 202-224-5251 UT Lee, Mike 202-224-5444 No WI Johnson, Ron 202-224-5323 Yes WY Barrasso, John 202-224-6441 Yes WY Enzi, Mike 202-224-3424 No
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 02:41:54 +0000

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