Obamacare has Failed Obamacare has failed, and with each passing - TopicsExpress


Obamacare has Failed Obamacare has failed, and with each passing day, more Florida families endure the stress and frustration of receiving an Obamacare cancellation notice, informing them that the plan they like is being terminated by Obamacare, and jeopardizing their right to see the doctors of their choosing. Obamacare is fundamentally flawed and must be repealed immediately. Obamacare is Cancelling Millions of Health Plans Obamacare forces the cancellation of 78 million health insurance plans, according to an official estimate from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO). President Obama promised, on at least thirty six separate occasions, that if we liked our plan, we could keep it. Politifact rated that statement to be the lie of the year for 2013, forcing a rare Presidential apology for things the administration knew to be false and misleading. With these canceled plans come a loss of access to the doctors you like. We must repeal Obamacare immediately so you can keep your plan and doctor. Obamacare is Killing Jobs Obamacare will kill 2.5 million jobs according to an estimate from the CBO. Obamacare creates strong disincentives to hiring and job creation, especially among small businesses, by adding new layers of cost, complexity, and government bureaucracy. It also creates powerful disincentives for small businesses to grow, adding in new mandates, paperwork, and costs once a growing business reaches 50 employees. During this sluggish economic recovery, we cannot continue with failed government policies which kill jobs and prevent job creation. Obamacare is Cutting Hours Obamacare adds costly mandates on job creators for every employee who works 30 or more hours per week. As a result, workers are losing hours, and job creators are pressured into creating new part-time jobs instead of full-time careers. We must repeal Obamacare to protect workers’ hours and reverse our slide into a part-time nation. American opportunity must be restored to a full-time proposition. Obamacare is Failing the Uninsured Obamacare has failed to help the uninsured as promised. Just 11% of Obamacare applicants were uninsured before enrolling in Obamacare. A recent poll found that only 18% of all uninsured Americans had visited the malfunctioning Obamacare exchange websites. Of those, many have been unable to use the broken website, while others cannot afford the more expensive Obamacare plans. With fewer than four million Obamacare signups to date, a non-payment rate estimated at one in five (as the White House refuses to release their specific numbers), and only one in ten Obamacare enrolees lacking prior insurance, we can estimate the number of uninsured who found coverage through Obamacare to be a scant 320 thousand. Before Obamacare became law, roughly 50 million Americans were uninsured. With just an estimated 320 thousand of those having enrolled, no reasonable person can conclude anything other than Obamacare is a failure for the uninsured, not the source of help the President promised. Obamacare is Expensive The CBO recently doubled the cost estimates for Obamacare, finding it will cost up to $2.6 trillion. We must repeal Obamacare immediately before it diverts funds away from other national priorities or adds to our already unacceptably high national debt. Obamacare Cuts Medicare Obamacare will cut $716 billion from earned Medicare benefits to pay for Obamacare entitlements, with that number projected to rise as the cost of Obamacare increases. Medicare is an earned benefit, not an entitlement program. Seniors who paid into Medicare all their working lives should not be robbed of that which they have earned. I oppose all cuts to Medicare benefits. Obamacare must be repealed before any more money is taken away from the health care of the seniors who earned it. Obamacare Interferes with Doctor-Patient Relationships Buried in Obamacare itself and the hundreds of thousands of pages of regulations it has spawned are many infringements on the doctor-patient relationship, covering everything from what treatments will be offered, to mandates to participate in government-created electronic record programs, which have shown an unacceptably high risk of data loss and identity theft. The federal government has no business coming between you and your doctor. As a registered nurse and patient advocate, I understand the value of this relationship, as well as our society’s overwhelming desire to protect patient privacy. We must repeal Obamacare immediately to protect the doctor-patient relationship. Obamacare Threatens Independent Doctors Obamacare creates an enormous burden of government bureaucracy which falls disproportionately on independent doctors – those unaffiliated with a major hospital or health care chain. The result has been predictable: more and more independent doctors are closing their practices. Some are taking early retirement, which reduces our nation’s available medical talent, and ultimately leads to longer waiting lists. As a result of Obamacare, nearly two in three doctors report either considering early retirement, or planning a reduction in their hours. Others, having been ground down by government bureaucracy, have no choice but to give up their independent practice, as well as the flexibility it gives them to provide excellent patient care. We need more independent doctors and independent practices. The loss of independent health care practitioners under Obamacare is but the latest in this administration’s series of assaults on small business, for the benefit of well-connected big business special interests. We must repeal Obamacare immediately before too many small, independent, family-owned medical practices close their doors forever. I am running for Congress because we deserve better health care and better health insurance than Obamacare provides. Repealing Obamacare is the first step,but it must be followed with a clear and carefully considered plan to improve health care – one which is written by experts and policymakers with real-world health care experience, rather than agenda-driven activists and out-of-touch ivory tower theorists. Please read my plan to improve our health care system – Beverly’s Plan to Fix Health Care hiresforcongress/issues/obamacare-has-failed/
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 12:31:15 +0000

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