Obamas Achievements - Bailouts - Infinite Stimulus - No - TopicsExpress


Obamas Achievements - Bailouts - Infinite Stimulus - No budget in 4+ years - High unemployment - Solyndra (and other Green Energy companies) - Fast and Furious - National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) - Obama Care - Runaway Welfare - Passing on the Keystone Pipeline - White House security breach - Drone attacks - Benghazi attack - Apology tour - USA credit rating downgrade - Promise to President Medvedev - IRS and AP scandal - Verizon phone records scandal - NSA spying on americans scandal - First president to negotiate with terrorists by exchanging a deserter for Gitmo prisoners. Other Achievements and Plans - Won re-election to keep bankrupting the USA - Wants Gun Control (which only favors the criminals) - Wants to declare Congress obsolete so he can rule by Executive Orders - Increased Social Divide (Racism, Class Warfare, etc) - Vacationer in chief - Threaten US citizens with military surveillance and attack drones. - Worst president. - Made Jimmy Carter look like a good president. - Wants to cut Veteran Benefits but not WELFARE. - Invades Americans privacy while condemning Bush and the Patriot Act. - Prisoners get 3 hot meals and a cot but Marines dont. - Used race baiting after the Zimmerman acquittal to further his political agenda. - Nobel Peace Prize winner, however, he continues to wage war and now wants to go solo on Syria. - His knowledge about anything comes from a teleprompter. - Cash For Clunkers debacle. - Made Chicago the Crime Capital Of The World. - Government Shut down. - Only president in history to Close the ocean due to the government shutdown. - Nevermind the Government Shutdown, he improved his golf game. - Stumped on who to blame for the NObama Unaffordable Care Tax website roll out. - Has trained MSDNC(msnbc) and MSDNC Lite(cnn) to broadcast the approved Jay Carney taking points so much to cause liberal mother-in-laws nationwide to look silly at every family event. - First president to bluff during a foreign crisis. - First president to bow to the King of Saudi Arabia...or anyone else. - Loved the poor so much he added millions more. - First president to arm foreign criminals through his Attorney General. - Gives Freedom Awards to people who has done nothing for freedom. - First President to be always a winner when something he does goes right is HIS idea, if it fails it SOMEONE ELSES FAULT. - First President to have census falsify employment numbers to benefit his reelection campaign. - Refused to work with anyone else but himself for his ideas. - Sends jobs overseas but claims that more and more jobs are created everyday. - He is the first person to usurp the office of President, not once but twice and get a away with it. - First President to visit all 57 states but one. - Tweets a picture of himself tossing the pigskin on Superbowl sunday 2014. - Makes sure GITMO prisoners have better medical care than American veterans. - First president to have immigration policies that cause the influx of illegal aliens to our southern border and with no intention to deport them. - Blames Bush for every problem he causes. - Makes Millard Fillmore look good. - Lays off active duty military personnel. - When times get tough, the tough go fundraising. - Vice president proclaims JOBS is a three letter word. - First president to advertise food stamps in foreign countries. - Was voted worst president since WWII with 33% of the vote. - First president since the Vietnam war to have the same military strategy as Lyndon Johnson.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 04:29:12 +0000

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