Obamas Coup in Honduras Murders its 32nd Journalist Victim End - TopicsExpress


Obamas Coup in Honduras Murders its 32nd Journalist Victim End Obamas War on Journalists! [Photo, body of Herlyn Espinal (journalist for Televicentros newscast Hoy Mismo.) He is one of 31 journalists murdered by government death squads since Obamas coup in 2009. He disappeared July 19th, 2014 and was found dead on July 21st, 2014.] by Steven Argue In 2009 the elected government of President Zelaya was overthrown in a coup by the U.S. funded military, led by soldiers trained in the United States, and with the aid of U.S. operatives in Honduras. Since the coup the U.S. government has continued to give military aid to the Honduran military, recognized the coup government as the legitimate government of Honduras, and has pushed for other hesitant countries to recognize the coup government and support its sham elections. The reasons why the Zalaya government was put in the cross hairs of U.S. imperialism is that he raised the minimum wage paid in U.S. owned sweat shops and had friendly relations the government of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. The Venezuelan government is in the crosshairs of U.S. imperialism for refusing to privatize its oil, spending some of its oil wealth on the poor, and for forming alliances with other countries similarly hated by U.S. imperialism. Obama’s coup brought to power a death squad government that, among its crimes has murdered 32 journalists, shut down the major media outlets, and shut down the internet. Labor leaders and 20 LGBT activists have been murdered as well since the coup. Since the coup, Honduras now has the highest murder rate in the world. Here is a list of journalists murdered in Honduras since Obama’s coup: Herlyn Espinal (journalist for Televicentros newscast Hoy Mismo) Aníbal Barrow (anchorman for Globo TV) Juan Carlos Argeñal (Radio Globo correspondent) Saira Fabiola Almendárez José Noel Canales Lagos (Online journalist) Adonis Felipe Bueso Gutiérrez (Radio Naranja) Ángel Alfredo Villatoro (Radio Cadena Hondureña de Noticias) Erick Martínez Ávila (LGBT rights journalist) Saira Fabiola Almendárez Noel Alexander Valladares Escoto (Reporter, Maya TV) Fausto Elio Hernández Luz Marina Paz Villalobos, (Radio host on Cadena Hondureña de Noticias) Medardo Flores Adán Benítez Nery Geremias Orellana (Radio Joconguera) Luis Mendoza Cerrato (Owner, Channel 24) Hector Francisco Medina Polanco (TV Host, Omega Visión) Henry Suazo (Cablevisión del Atlántico, Radio HRN) Israel Zelaya Díaz (Radio Internacional) Luis Arturo Mondragón (Reporter and owner, Channel 19) Carlos Salinas Jorge Alberto (Georgino) Orellana, (TV Host, Television of Honduras) Luis Antonio Chavez Manuel de Jesús Juárez (Radio Super) José Bayardo Mairena Ramírez (Radio Super) Nahúm Elí Palacios Arteaga (Reporter, TV Channel 5) David Meza Montesinos (TV Channel 45, Radio El Patio, Radio America) Joseph Hernández Ochoa (TV Host, Channel 51) Nicolás Asfura Bernardo Rivera Paz Gabriel Fino Noriega (Estelar Radio) Rafael Munguia (reporter Radio Cadena Voces) These murders should be taken within the context of Obama’s general war on journalism, whistle blowing, and the truth. This includes Obama’s vendetta against Edward Snowden who had to flee to Russia after exposing the Obama administration’s lies in regards to the National Security Agency’s massive spying operation on the U.S. population. It includes Obama’s support for the prosecution of Chelsea (Bradley) Manning for exposing U.S. war crimes and crimes against humanity in Iraq and Afghanistan. This included Manning’s release of helicopter gunship video that shows U.S. soldiers nonchalantly gunning down and killing seven unarmed men, including Reuters journalists Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor-Eldeen and then blowing up first aid respondents who included two children who were seriously injured. Instead of U.S. prosecutions for these murders and a large number of other murders exposed by Manning that were carried out by the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan, Manning was instead given a 35 year sentence for exposing these crimes. Likewise, Julian Assange has been forced into exile in the Ecuadorian Embassy of the UK for reporting these crimes. Under threat of arrest, Assange has not been allowed to leave the Ecuadorian Embassy for the past three years. Also sitting in prison in the United States is framed journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal. The mass movement for his freedom managed to save him from death row and execution, but Mumia remains in prison on a life sentence. Likewise, after the U.S. sponsored coup of February 21st, 2014 in Ukraine, access to Russian media was eliminated in Ukraine. In addition, the Ukrainian government began to systematically exclude, arrest, beat, torture, and otherwise attack journalists not connected to the U.S. and Ukrainian propaganda machine. Seven journalists have been killed since the February coup. Arrest and intimidation is also common. In one of the most recent cases, RT reporter Graham Phillips was arrested last week by Ukrainian troops, beaten, threatened with death, and deported to Poland on a restriction of not coming back to Ukraine for three years. During his arrest, the Ukrainian military falsely claimed they didn’t know where Phillips was and they may have killed him if an international campaign had not drawn so much attention to his case. While in custody Ukrainian authorities used the lap top of Graham Phillips to hack his various internet accounts. Among these were the Graham’s YouTube account which Ukrainian authorities used to delete a thousand of the videos Graham Phillips had posted of the Ukrainian conflict. As the Ukrainian government wages a brutal war against the populations of the voter proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, they are also doing their best to silence all independent reporting that shows hundreds, if not more, of civilian deaths including large numbers of children. This also includes the gunning down of unarmed civilians, in cold blood, by openly Nazi units that have been integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard. Far from recognizing this situation, the Obama administration dismisses fascist terror in Ukraine as “Russian propaganda” and states that the hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing fascist terror in Ukraine are simply visiting their grandmothers. Likewise, mass murder is a fact of life in Honduras as the government has brought back the terror of 1980s style death squads. The children who flee this violence and poverty to the United States deserve to be treated as refugees, not locked up like criminals. Free Americas Jailed Child Refugees and Give them Care! Amnesty For Julian Assange and Edward Snowden! Freedom For Chelsea Manning and Mumia-Abu Jamal! End U.S. Military Support to the Governments of Honduras and Ukraine! End U.S. Imperialism Through Socialist Revolution in The United States! -Steven Argue for the Revolutionary Tendency
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 23:16:30 +0000

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