Obamas M.O. Say anything it takes to fraudulently bolster your - TopicsExpress


Obamas M.O. Say anything it takes to fraudulently bolster your support, get your way, get a law passed, etc. After you get your way, SCREW THE TRUTH. Its DONE and nobody can undo it. Welcome to obama-nation. According to the law, lying in order to procure something is called fraudulent inducement. If you or I lie to procure something we want, a court can reverse it because the transaction was based on a lie. Politics is full of this but this president has turned it into his golden goose. Why arent his lies held against him? Its not like there isnt a list a mile long and WE have to abide by the decisions based on those lies. 300 MILLION people are effected by every lie he tells. When do those lies against 300 MILLION people become criminal? Most people think that High crimes and misdemeanors (as defined by the framers of OUR Constitution) refer to the severity of the crime. Thats debatable. The word high does not refer to the crime but to the position of the person who commits the crime, as in high official. Obama, being a high official does not have to commit treason or some other heinous act for it to be a high crime, the fact that a high official committed it makes it a high crime. Much like the Uniform Code of Military Justice only applies to members of the military, high crimes are committed by people in positions of authority who should be held to a stricter standard. It seems to me that OUR high officials are consistently being held to a lower standard, a standard they set or no standard at all. That just not right. OUR nation has gone Topsy turvy. WE have been turned upside down in a nation, OUR NATION, where the principles and standards WE THE PEOPLE once held dear, are slowly being stripped from US. Illegal is now legal. Lies are now truth. Murdering cults are now religions that must be shown tolerance no matter how hateful and disruptive they are. With the hold on certain key positions in OUR government, this regime seems to be able to bowl over anything they want with impunity. OUR president controls a corrupt, racist attorney general who ignores what he is told to ignore. OUR senate obstructs whatever the regime wants them to obstruct then blames the GOP. The supreme court is not even immune and, if he gets his way, he is looking to change the face of the SCOTUS to better serve him. Sounds dictatorial to me. All of that said it seems WE are witnessing an attempted coup détat from within BY ONE PARTY in a bid to cement them into control of OUR nation. Think about it. Look at all of the ways one party has manipulated OUR system to their betterment and the underhanded tactics they have used to achieve that. Corruption, lies, cheating, ignoring or unilaterally changing written law, bribes called campaign contributions, fostering divisiveness on a grand, multi faceted scale to divide and distract US into arguing among OURselves and ignoring the puzzle that is coming together right before OUR helpless eyes. WE have now come full circle. Back to the beginning. Back to the realization that, starting with the president, OUR system is being hijacked by lies and corruption that, it seems, politics, or politicians, either cant, or are unwilling to change. WE THE PEOPLE are supposedly in charge but WE are in charge of a runaway train. WE are at a critical point and something needs to be done and done quickly. THERE HAS TO BE A WAY TO REMOVE AN OUT OF CONTROL ADMINISTRATION. OUR forefathers and the framers of OUR Constitution were too on point for them to have overlooked this, so, they didnt. They gave US the 2nd Amendment. What are WE going to do with it?
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 18:22:01 +0000

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