Obamas ultra-liberal policies have seriously failed us, as well as - TopicsExpress


Obamas ultra-liberal policies have seriously failed us, as well as Obama himself. As a single example, ObamaCare is an absolute disaster that we cannot afford and has eliminated thousands of jobs. ObamaCare is creating more part time jobs than full time jobs. All medical costs under ObamaCare continue to increase under this disaster. How do you like the continuing increase in premiums, the much higher deductibles, and much less coverage under this absolute disaster? I still refuse to pay for others medical care. Throwing money at problems does not fix them. the real systemic problems must be corrected or these problems will eventually rematerialize. Obama has spent more money in his disastrous term in office than any of our previous 40 something Presidents! Obama has dramatically increased both our debt and deficit which is over $18 trillion dollars now and is rapidly increasing even further which each of us will be required to pay back with yet higher taxes. Obama has made no attempt to develop a plan to reduce our debt and deficit. For political reasons, he keeps coming up with new freebies for our poor that will require yet higher taxes and further debt and deficits. We must dramatically reduce both the size and scope of our Federal Government. The larger it becomes, the more tax dollars it takes to feed this monster which is happening under Obama. Obama has destroyed jobs (we have the largest number of people who have officially dropped out of our labor market because they cannot find a job which is why the unemployment number is smaller, Obamas smoke and mirrors), he has destroyed our economy, do you feel the improvements?, he has destroyed our healthcare system, he has dramatically increased both our debt and deficit, he has destroyed our military, he is purging our top military leaders, he has destroyed our standing both here and abroad (no-one trusts him or do we), he is a proven habitual liar who both he and Gruber perpetrated the largest and most costly fraud ever perpetrated against the American people with ObamaCare. Obama knowingly lied to the American people multiple times in selling ObamaCare. Obama knew that if the truth had been known that ObamaCare would have never been sold to the American people. ObamaCare was sold to the American people only based upon repeated lies, deception and fraud. We are not safe as citizens and as a country. Obama is an Islamic sympathizer who fails to recognize who our real enemy is who are Islamic, Muslim extremists. Our southern border must be secured and all illegal aliens must be deported. Amnesty must be forbidden. Obama fails to do this! Terrorists and Mexican Drug Cartel members can freely cross our southern border whenever they desire. Obama refuses to keep us safe. This is a fact, under Obama, Islamic/Muslim extremists are taking over more territory every day. This extremist problem is getting much worse under Obama, not better. We and every other country, must officially declare war against all Islamic/Muslim extremists so they can be wiped off the face of the earth. All peaceful Muslim countries must help us destroy these extremist monsters. A country without borders is no country! The sooner Obama is gone, the better off we will be as a country. I know this for a fact, Obama will be known in our history books as the worst President that our country has ever had. Obama is a gross failure and embarrassment! Our next President is going to be very busy reversing the grave damage that Obama has inflicted upon both us citizens and our country.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 19:40:37 +0000

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