Obama’s ‘Please Kick Me’ Appearance At The U.N. Personal - TopicsExpress


Obama’s ‘Please Kick Me’ Appearance At The U.N. Personal Liberty Digest September 27, 2013 by Chip Wood Obama’s ‘Please Kick Me’ Appearance At The U.N. PHOTOS.COM Chalk up another embarrassing rebuff for a U.S. President at the Mecca of international socialism, the United Nations. Barack Obama’s team let it be known that the President would be delighted to meet Iranian President Hasan Rouhani while the two were at the U.N. this past Tuesday. The two could shake hands, smile at each other and pose for an historic photo op. They wouldn’t even have to discuss anything of substance, merely look like they were prepared to get along. “Thanks, but no thanks” was the insulting Iranian response. At least their rebuff was announced before Obama was left standing alone, with his arm stuck out and a stupid smile on his face. Guess Obama’s peeps didn’t learn anything from history. Back in 2000, then-President Bill Clinton offered the same opportunity to Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, another supposed moderate. Khatami also nixed shaking hands with the President of the United States.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 13:38:36 +0000

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